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Encuentra Carrera Universitaria Online de Gestión

Carrera Universitaria de Gestión en Barcelona

Se han encontrado 12 carreras universitarias
You can take an optional work placement in year three and return to complete the final year as year four & ndash, giving you an advantage in the graduate job market.
Carrer del Torrent de l`Olla, 208, 8012 Barcelona, Barcelona
Presencial en Barcelona.
The EAE’s Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management with participants receiving the qualification from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
Inicio: A partir del 30/09/2023
Carrer d`Aragó, 55, 8015 Barcelona, Barcelona
¡No esperes más! Conviértete en el profesional del futuro para las empresas con nuestra formación práctica e internacional. ¡Todo en 100% inglés!
Cursarás dos grados con un enfoque internacional y práctico, respaldados por empresas y despachos. Obtendrás un perfil profesional muy demandado en finanzas, recursos humanos, y consultorías. Contáctanos e inicia tu formación ahora.
Duración: 10 semestres/ 373 ECTS
Abierta la convocatoria para Octubre 2021.
The Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management gives you the preparation you need to perform duties that are generally required in companies or in any particular department, such as Finance, Marketing and Sales, Investment.
Carrer d`Aragó, 55, 8015 Barcelona, Barcelona
Events that introduce EU students to globally successful leaders are a fundamental aspect of our approach to providing the business education that will kick start your career.
Studying a BA (Hons) in Business Management (Human Resources Management) in Barcelona gives students the opportunity to expand their business knowledge in one of the world’s most advanced smart cities.
Study cases to prepare you for real-world business.
Become a problem-solver by developing analytical skills.