
BA (Hons) in Business Management (Business Technology) del centro EU Business School

Programa de BA (Hons) in Business Management (Business Technology)

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Barcelona


Events that introduce EU students to globally successful leaders are a fundamental aspect of our approach to providing the business education that will kick start your career.

Technology and IT systems are crucial to effective business operations. The BA (Hons) in Business Management (Business Technology) teaches students essential business management knowledge and skills as well as give them a broad understanding of current and future business technology. Students will acquire the project management competencies and tools required to understand, analyse and provide solutions to the issues and challenges that arise in business and IT.

A quién va dirigido

Students will acquire key knowledge and skills in current and future business technology in order to excel in the workplace of the future. EU Business School’s experiential approach to learning allows students to complement classroom theory with hands-on practice through real world projects and case studies.


  1. Strategic decision-making processes and problem-solving within a corporate environment.
  2. Apply their business knowledge and skills in a work-based learning situation.
  3. Use information technology to retrieve, analyze and present data.
  4. Critically evaluate the commercial management of IT and the strategic importance of business analytics.


The BA (Hons) in Business Management (Business Technology) is a six-semester, three-year program (180 ECTS). The core courses taught during the first year will give students a solid grounding in all essential business disciplines, while the second and third years incorporate their chosen pathway, in addition to the core courses.


Understanding People in Organizations

Developing a Professional Mindset

Business Economics


Quantitative Skills for Business

Principles of Responsible Management



Global Business & Strategy

The Business Consultancy Project Part I

Commercial Management of IT

Titulación obtenida

  • A U.K. state-accredited BA (Hons) in Business Management (Business Technology) degree from University of Derby, U.K.
  • This BA (Hons) program is additionally accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), which gives students the possibility of achieving an extra international qualification: CMI's Diploma in Management and Leadership.


1. Complete your application and get your documents ready

2. Write or film  your accompanying motivational essay

3. Send documents required for the program

4. Application reviewed  by the Admissions Department

5. Await confirmation  that your place has been secured

6. Start your studies at EU Business School! #StartHere

Información Adicional


October February

Total per year



Additional semester 



One extra semeste


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