
BA (Hons) in Business Management (Supply Chain and Logistics) del centro EU Business School

Programa de BA (Hons) in Business Management (Supply Chain and Logistics)

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Barcelona


EU's faculty is composed of highly qualified academics, entrepreneurs, consultants and business leaders.

Logistics and supply chain management is a key, technology-driven industry which is growing exponentially. All businesses need efficient, detailed and flexible planning to ensure well-managed supply chains and production systems. In the BA (Hons) in Business Management (Supply Chain & Logistics), students will gain comprehensive knowledge of business management and supply chain fundamentals as well as acquire essential logistics and project management skills. Students will understand supply chain strategy, how international supply chains function, and how to create and manage sustainable supply chains.

A quién va dirigido

Prospective students are evaluated on the strength of their applications as a whole. Consideration is given to the student’s qualities and abilities: leadership potential, academic achievements, performance on standardized tests, extracurricular activities and personal experiences. EU's Admissions Services department will assist all applicants throughout the entire application process.


  • Strategic decision-making processes and problem-solving within a corporate environment.
  • Apply their business knowledge and skills in a work-based learning situation.
  • Use information technology to retrieve, analyze and present data.
  • Integrate the role of logistics and supply chain management into the wider business environment.


The BA (Hons) in Business Management (Supply Chain & Logistics) is a six-semester, three-year program (180 ECTS). The core courses taught during the first year will give students a solid grounding in all essential business disciplines, while the second and third years incorporate their chosen pathway, in addition to the core courses.


Understanding People in Organizations

Developing a Professional Mindset

Business Economics


Quantitative Skills for Business

Principles of Responsible Management

Principles of Logistics and Supply Chain Management


Global Business & Strategy

The Business Consultancy Project Part I

International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

Titulación obtenida

  1. A U.K. state-accredited BA (Hons) in Business Management (Supply Chain & Logistics) degree from University of Derby, U.K.
  2. This BA (Hons) program is additionally accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), which gives students the possibility of achieving an extra international qualification: CMI's Diploma in Management and Leadership.


  1. 1 certified copy of high school diploma and transcripts; or equivalent.
  2. Proof of English level: TOEFL score 80 (internet-based), 213 (computer-based); IELTS 6.0; CAE B2 with a minimum score of 169; PTE 57; English native; or equivalent.

Información Adicional


October February

Total per year



Additional semester 



One extra semeste


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