
Bachelor’s degree in marketing + Título superior en emprendimiento e innovación del centro ESIC Campus Barcelona

Programa de Bachelor’s degree in marketing + Título superior en emprendimiento e innovación

Modalidad: Presencial
Inicio: A partir del 01/09/2022
Duración 5 años
Precio: 9875 €
Localización: Barcelona


The participants will acquire business knowledge and capabilities, and will learn how to use the proper marketing tools to successfully meet the latest demands of today’s business market.
  1. Wants to work in marketing and/or a global and evolving sales environment.
  2. Logical-analytical and creative capacity
  3. Interested in digital business
  4. Leadership skills

A quién va dirigido

Participants with creative potential and interest for new technologies and digital economy who want to develop their career and capabilities in the marketing, sales and/or market research area.


What is intended with this course is to provide students with the specific skills that allow them to develop professionally in the marketing sector of any company.


First semester [BDM]

Marketing and Interpersonnal Communication Techniques 6 BE  

Introduction to Corporations 6 BE  

Mathematics Applied to Marketing 6 COM  

Economic and Marketing History 6 BE  

Corporate Sociology 6 BE  

First semester [DEI]

Chinese I 6 P  

Business Models II: Product-Market Fit 3 P  

Second semester [BDM]

Introduction to Marketing 6 COM  

Computer Science Applied to Marketing 6 BE  

Applied Statistics to Marketing 6 COM  

Civil Law 6 BE  

History of the Commercial Culture and Society 6 BE  

Second semestre [DEI]

Chinese II 6 P  

Agile Methodologies 3 P  

Second year

Third year

Fourth year

Fifth year

Titulación obtenida

Bachelor’s degree in marketing + Título superior en emprendimiento e innovación


To access this training, students must present a high school diploma.

Información Adicional

Career opportunities

  • Marketing Manager
  • International Business Manager
  • Brand Manager
  • Customer Relationship Analyst
  • Product Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Market Analyst
  • Business Intelligence Manager
  • Account Manager
  • Trade Marketing Manager
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