
Curso en Base de datos oracle 11g: administración I del centro New Horizons Barcelona

Programa de Curso en Base de datos oracle 11g: administración I

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 20
Localización: Barcelona



Este curso presenta los fundamentos de la administración de una base de datos. Los asistentes aprenderán a instalar y mantener una base de datos Oracle, y conocerán su arquitectura, el funcionamiento de sus componentes y cómo éstos interactúan entre ellos. También aprenderán a crear una base de datos operativa y a gestionar las diferentes estructuras de manera efectiva y eficiente, incluyendo el control del rendimiento, la seguridad de la base de datos, la gestión de los usuarios y las técnicas de copia de seguridad y de recuperación.

Este curso prepara para el examen 1Z0-052: Oracle Database 11g: Administration I, el segundo de los dos exámenes conducentes a la certificación Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Associate Oracle 11g DBA OCA.


Instalar una infraestructura Oracle Grid. Instalar y configurar una base de datos Oracle 11g. Configurar los servicios Oracle Net. Monitorizar y administrar datos del UNDO. Administrar las estructuras de almacenamiento de la base de datos. Crear y administrar cuentas de usuario. Realizar tareas básicas de copias de seguridad y de recuperación de bases de datos. Administrar la concurrencia de datos

Monitorizar el rendimiento. Describir la arquitectura de una base de datos Oracle


Curso orientado a administradores de bases de datos, administradores técnicos, ingenieros de soporte, consultores técnicos y desarrolladores/programadores Java.


Exploring the Oracle Database Architecture

- Oracle Database Architecture Overview

- Oracle ASM Architecture Overview

- Process Architecture

- Memory structures

- Logical and physical storage structures

- ASM storage components

Installing your Oracle Software

- Tasks of an Oracle Database Administrator

- Tools Used to Administer an Oracle Database

- Installation: System Requirements

- Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)

- Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure

- Installing Oracle Database Software

- Silent Install

Creating an Oracle Database

- Planning the Database

- Using the DBCA to Create a Database

- Password Management

- Creating a Database Design Template

- Using the DBCA to Delete a Database

Managing the Oracle Database Instance

- Start and stop the Oracle database and components

- Use Oracle Enterprise Manager

- Access a database with SQLPlus

- Modify database installation parameters

- Describe the stages of database startup

- Describe database shutdown options

- View the alert log

- Access dynamic performance views

Manage the ASM Instance

- Set up initialization parameter files for ASM instance

- Start up and shut down ASM instances

- Administer ASM disk groups

Configuring the Oracle Network Environment

- Use Enterprise Manager to create and configure the Listener

- Enable Oracle Restart to monitor the listener

- Use tnsping to test Oracle Net connectivity

- Identify when to use shared servers and when to use dedicated servers

Managing Database Storage Structures

- Storage Structures

- How Table Data Is Stored

- Anatomy of a Database Block

- Space Management in Tablespaces

- Tablespaces in the Preconfigured Database

- Actions with Tablespaces

- Oracle Managed Files (OMF)

Administering User Security

- Database User Accounts

- Predefined Administrative Accounts

- Benefits of Roles

- Predefined Roles

- Implementing Profiles

Managing Data Concurrency

- Data Concurrency

- Enqueue Mechanism

- Resolving Lock Conflicts

- Deadlocks

Managing Undo Data

- Data Manipulation

- Transactions and Undo Data

- Undo Data Versus Redo Data

- Configuring Undo Retention

Implementing Oracle Database Auditing

- Describe DBA responsibilities for security

- Enable standard database auditing

- Specify audit options

- Review audit information

- Maintain the audit trail

Database Maintenance

- Manage optimizer statistics

- Manage the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)

- Use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)

- Describe and use the advisory framework

- Set alert thresholds

- Use server-generated alerts

- Use automated tasks

Performance Management

- Performance Monitoring

- Managing Memory Components

- Enabling Automatic Memory Management (AMM)

- Automatic Shared Memory Advisor

- Using Memory Advisors

- Dynamic Performance Statistics

- Troubleshooting and Tuning Views

- Invalid and Unusable Objects

Backup and Recovery Concepts

- Part of Your Job

- Statement Failure

- User Error

- Understanding Instance Recovery

- Phases of Instance Recovery

- Using the MTTR Advisor

- Media Failure

- Archive Log Files

Performing Database Backups

- Backup Solutions: Overview

- Oracle Secure Backup

- User-Managed Backup

- Terminology

- Recovery Manager (RMAN)

- Configuring Backup Settings

- Backing Up the Control File to a Trace File

- Monitoring the Flash Recovery Area

Performing Database Recovery

- Opening a Database

- Data Recovery Advisor

- Loss of a Control File

- Loss of a Redo Log File

- Data Recovery Advisor

- Data Failures

- Listing Data Failures

- Data Recovery Advisor Views

Moving Data

- Describe ways to move data

- Create and use directory objects

- Use SQL*Loader to move data

- Use external tables to move data

- General architecture of Oracle Data Pump

- Use Data Pump export and import to move data

Working with Support

- Use the Enterprise Manager Support Workbench

- Work with Oracle Support

- Log service requests (SR)

- Manage patches

Información Adicional


Para realizar este curso es recomendable haber asistido al curso Base de Datos Oracle 11g. Introducción a SQL.
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