OBJETIVOS: El nivel de maestría acredita la competencia lingü,ística necesaria para desenvolverse en cualquier situación con total eficacia, mostrando una capacidad espontánea de adaptación a cualquier contexto, con un grado de precisión y autocorrección elevado y un dominio sutil de los matices que dota de fluidez natural a las intervenciones para fines sociales,
académicos y profesionales.
Ser capaz de comprender con facilidad prácticamente todo lo que se oye o lee y de reconstruir la información y los argumentos procedentes de diversas fuentes, ya sean en lengua hablada o escrita, y de presentarlos de manera coherente y resumida. Poder expresarse espontáneamente con fluidez y un grado de precisión que permite diferenciar pequeños matices de significado incluso en situaciones de mayor complejidad y todo ello adecuando el estilo al contexto.
El curso comprende los niveles C.2.1 Maestría Inferior y C.2.2 Maestría Superior, obteniendo la Certificacion Proficiency.
El curso consta de 200 horas + Activities (200 h. mínimo)
Perfect tenses * Aspects of n the future * Conditional clauses * Past tenses * Countable/uncountable nouns * Possession * Degrees of likelihood * Participle clauses * Inversion * Gerund and infinitives * Reference devices * Expressing wishes and preferences * Gradability * Passive structures * Reported speech * Articles review * Purpose and reason clauses * Concessive clauses * Comparison * Review of modals * Word order and adverbs * Adverb or adjective? * Uses of have, get and go
Introduction to idioms * Phrasal verbs * Word formation: suffix endings * Collocations with traveler * Prepositional phrases * Have no & noun * Phrases: noun with related verbs * Phrases: fixed pairs of words * Modifiers : quite, rather, fairly * Word formation: negative adjectives * Collocations * Compound adjectives * Adjectives and idioms to do with food * Phrases with right * Prepositions * Abstract nouns * Phrases with take * Collocations with adjectives and adverbs * Idioms with music words * Idioms with eye * Extended noun phases * Adjectives showing disapproval * Compound adjectives * Phrases with place * Phrases with come * Prefixes * Linking words and phrases * Personal appearance, personality * Expressions with turn * Idioms to do with relationships * Idioms with technical words * Phrases with set * Vocabulary: the environment * Register * Synonyms * Expressions with live * Phrases with nouns and no article * Word formation * Topic expressions* Neologisms * Gender-specific words * Adjectives describing character * Idioms to do with emotions * Metaphor * Idioms to do with hardship * Adjectives
describing personality * Onomatopoeia * Expressions with go
Pronunciation: homophones * Pronunciation: contrastive stress * Pronunciation: word stress * Pronunciation: stress and emphasis * Pronunciation: noun/verb/adjective stress * Pronunciation: silent consonants * Pronunciation: stress and intonation * Pronunciation: loan words.