
Curso Inglés elive: nivel B1-english intermediate + 4 elive sessions del centro Gabinete de Asesoramiento y Formación

Programa de Curso Inglés elive: nivel B1-english intermediate + 4 elive sessions

Modalidad: Online



Comprender los puntos principales de textos claros y en lengua estándar si tratan sobre cuestiones que le son conocidas, ya sea en situaciones de trabajo, de estudio o de ocio.Saber desenvolverse en la mayor parte de las situaciones que pueden surgir durante un viaje por zonas donde se utiliza la lengua. Producir textos sencillos y coherentes sobre temas que le son familiares o en los que tiene un interés personal. Describir experiencias, acontecimientos, deseos y aspiraciones, así como justificar brevemente sus opiniones o explicar sus planes.


Contenido 1. Vocabulario B1:

1.1. Health and welfare

1.1.1. Parts of the body

1.1.2. Body language

1.1.3. Hygiene in daily life

1.1.4. Keeping fit

1.1.5. Common complaints

1.1.6. A visit to the doctor

1.1.7. Household accidents

1.1.8. A road accident

1.2. Food and drink

1.2.1. Describing meals &ndash, breakfast and lunch

1.2.2. Describing meals &ndash, afternoon tea and evening meal

1.2.3. At the pub

1.2.4. At the restaurant &ndash, discussing the menú

1.2.5. At the restaurant &ndash, ordering the meal

1.2.6. At the restaurant &ndash, ordering a dessert and asking for the bill

1.2.7. Dinner with friends

1.3. Life at home

1.3.1. Types of houses

1.3.2. Types of romos

1.3.3. Family life &ndash, getting ready to leave

1.3.4. Family life &ndash, sharing the housework

1.4. Travel and transport

1.4.1. A trip to London &ndash, deciding how to go

1.4.2. A trip to London &ndash, taking the underground

1.4.3. A trip to New York &ndash, at the airport

1.4.4. A trip to New York &ndash, on the plane

1.4.5. A trip to New York &ndash, at the hotel

1.4.6. A trip to New York &ndash, changing money

1.5. Shopping

1.5.1. At the supermarket

1.5.2. Visiting large department stores

1.5.3. Buying clothes

2. Gramática B1

2.1. The present perfect tense (B1)

2.2. General conclusions on tense formation (B1)

2.3. Modals (B1)

2.4. Infinitive and &ndash,ing forms (B1)

2.5. Short answres and responses (B1)

2.6. Word order

2.7. Relative clauses (B1)

2.8. Connectives (B1)

3. Pronunciación Inglesa

3.1. General overview of vowels, diphthongs and consonants

3.2. Vowels in detail

3.3. Diphthongs in detail

3.4. Recapitulation 1

3.5. Consonants in detail (1)

3.6. Consonants in detail (2)

3.7. Recapitulation 2

3.8. Exercices

3.9. The stress

3.10. Decoding phonetic transcriptions

3.11. Recapitulation 3

4. Puntos de vista

4.1. What do you think abput tele-working

4.2. What solution(s) do you see to transport difficulties in cities

4.3. What do you think about politics

4.4. Is sustainable development possible or not

4.5. For or against flexitime

4.6. Would you rather be employed or self-employed

4.7. For or against government intervention in the economy &ndash, viewpoints

4.8. Government intervention in the economy - debate

4.9. For or against marriage &ndash, viewpoints

4.10. For or against marriage &ndash, debate

4.11. How do you cope with stress &ndash, viewpoints

4.12. How do you cope with stress &ndash, debate

5. Reuniones y negociaciones

5.1.How to start

5.1.1 Dialogues & Quick Check Exercises

5.1.2. Explanations & Training

5.1.3. Phone & e-Mail

5.2. How to present a product or service

5.2.1 Dialogues & Quick Check Exercises

5.2.2. Explanations & Training

5.2.3. Phone & e-Mail

5.3. How much, how big, how long

5.3.1. Dialogues & Quick Check Exercises

5.3.2. Explanations & Training

5.3.3. Phone & e-Mail

5.4. How to make arrangements

5.4.1. Dialogues & Quick Check Exercises

5.4.2. Explanations & Training

5.4.3. Phone & e-Mail

5.5.? How to finish

5.5.1. Dialogues & Quick Check Exercises

5.5.2. Explanations & Training

5.5.3. Phone & e-Mail

6. Actualidad

6.1. Article of the day

6.2. Video of the day

6.3. Library

Información Adicional


Al finalizar el curso, el Alumno obtiene el Diploma
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