
Degree in Business Administration and Management del centro EIG Business School

Programa de Degree in Business Administration and Management

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Madrid


Acquire the key skills to lead the business world of tomorrow.

Prepare for a future full of opportunities with our Degree in Business Administration and Management! This programme provides you with a solid foundation in business strategy, leadership, finance, marketing, and operations, with a practical approach that will enable you to successfully meet the challenges of today’s job market, both nationally and internationally.

We combine theory and practice so that you acquire essential management competences and develop your analytical, critical, and problem-solving abilities. Become a leader capable of managing teams, making strategic decisions, and adding value to any organization.

A quién va dirigido

The Degree in Business Administration and Management is designed for students with an analytical and strategic mindset seeking a solid business education. This programme is aimed at young people interested in understanding the global functioning of organizations and developing competencies in decision-making, leadership, and planning.


  1. Leadership and business management: Learn to plan, organize, and control operations to lead competitive companies.
  2. Financial analysis: Master accounting, investment, and economic decision-making.
  3. Strategic vision: Business strategy, marketing, people management, and operational management.
  4. Entrepreneurship and professional ethics: Enhance your innovative capacity, identify opportunities, and make socially responsible decisions.



1º semestre

Economic History

Corporate Mathematics

Introduction to Corporations I

Professional Ethics, Basic Principals of Law and Equality

History of Spanish Institutions (Humanities)

2º semestre

Introduction to Economics

Financial Mathematics

Introduction to Corporations II

Mercantile Law

Computer Science Applied to Corporations


1º semestre

Introduction to Marketing and Communications in the Firm

Financial Accounting I


Corporate Statistics I

Corporate Sociology

2º semestre

Financial Accounting II

Production Management


Corporate Statistics II

Marketing Management


1º semestre

Corporate Taxation

Strategic Management and Corporate Politics I

Cost Accounting

Commercial Management

Financial Management I

Corporate Decision Methods

2º semestre

Management Information Systems

Strategic Management and Corporate Politics II

Human Resources

Financial Management II

Balance Analysis I

National and International Economic Enviroment of the Firm


1º semestre

Labour Law

Elective 1

Elective 2

Elective 3

Elective 4

Academic Recognition of Credits



End of Degree Proyect

Electives BBAMº semestre

Operations Management in Services Corporation


Administrative Law in Regulated Sectors


Business Simulator

Organizational Behaviour and Design

Corporate Accounting

International Economic Analysis

Corporate Assessment and Acquisition

Global and International Marketing

Sectorial Marketing

Political Marketing

2º semestre

The subjects of the second semester will depend on the higher degree or diploma chosen.


The fifth year is only undertaken if you opt for a double qualification combining the Degree with a Higher Diploma.

Titulación obtenida

Degree in Business Administration and Management


  • Request information
  • Requirements and documentation
  • Admission Tests
  • Confirmation and enrollment

Información Adicional

Duration: 4 years

Official Degree Credits: 240 ECTS

Diploma Credits: 48 ECTS

+ Diploma in Management Skills

+ Diploma in Digital and Multimedia Tools

Career Opportunities

  1. Business Consulting
  2. Operations Management
  3. Commercial Management
  4. Finance and Investment Management
  5. Marketing and Digital Strategy
  6. Digital Analyst
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