
English dexway academy - level A1 - course I del centro Consulting Integral en Formación

Programa de English dexway academy - level A1 - course I

Modalidad: Online
Duración 60



In this first level of five, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner from 0 to A1 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of reference). Whilst introducing the correct use of the indefinite article, subject pronouns and basic syntax including the verb ',To Be', and the alphabet, the block covers functions including: greetings and introductions, nationalities, through meaningful, contextual exercises. As well as introducing the essential structures and vocabulary necessary to talk about the topic areas mentioned, the learner is encouraged to practice pronunciation from the very beginning. With the help of a native speaker, the vocabulary items and sentences modeled can be listened to and simulated.


English Dexway - Level 1
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