
English dexway communicate - level B2-1 del centro Escuela Politécnica Internacional S.L.G.

Programa de English dexway communicate - level B2-1

Modalidad: A Distancia
Duración 30



The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, especially in real-life situations such as work and leisure, house and home, films and habitual actions etc. In this course the learner will continue to notice an increased confidence when faced with basic functions and will be able to read an English or American newspaper with little difficulty, follow conversations in English with native speakers and participate in more complex exchanges. In terms of grammatical structures there will be continued revision and extension of the structures covered with emphasis on parts of the language such as phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions and the differences between British and American vocabulary. As with the other levels on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to long and short sounds, correct regular past tense endings, minimal pairs, elision as well as general vocabulary and sentence level practice. The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics covered.


Unit 1

Doing market research

Aims: To introduce and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises. Vocabulary: - Free time - Games - Everyday expressions: to have a rest, to get ready.

At the sports centre

Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - Do, go and play - Talking about frequency: adverbs and expressions - Present simple vs. Present continuous - To be keen on + noun. Vocabulary: - Free time - Games - Everyday expressions: to catch up on, to give someone a ring, to get together.

The bus route

Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - Do, go and play - Talking about frequency: adverbs and expressions - Present simple vs. Present continuous. Vocabulary: - Free time - Games.

Unit 2

Remembering old times

Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises. Vocabulary - Talking about family - Describing living spaces.

Future parents-in-law

Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - Past simple and Past continuous: interrupted actions in the past - While / when - Used to: past habits and tendencies - Comparative forms - There was/were: all forms. Vocabulary: - Talking about family: in-laws - Common expressions: to look forward to something, for ages, why on earth? - Description of a house.

Country house for sale

Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - Past simple and Past continuous: interrupted actions in the past - While / when - Used to, use to, usually: past and present habits and tendencies. Vocabulary: - Talking about family - Common expressions: to look forward to something, for ages, why on earth? - Talking about living spaces.

Time to exercise - Additional vocabulary

This lesson provides students with additional materials to expand their knowledge of vocabulary on the subject of health, specifically sports and exercising. Vocabulary is presented in context and there are follow-up exercises that provide extended practice.

Unit 3

Making plans for holidays

Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises Vocabulary: - Holidays - Tourism - Experiences.

A ticket to Edinburgh

Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - Talking about holiday plans - Present perfect: already, yet, still, just - Past simple: ago. Vocabulary: - Holidays - Common expressions: Lucky you! You',re telling me!, What I mean to say is?, to have a look at something, by any chance - British and American English - Travel: buying a ticket.

The list of things to do

Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar as well as the structures and vocabulary covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises Structures and functions: - Talking about holiday plans - Present perfect: already, yet, still, just - Past simple: ago - Present perfect vs. Past simple. Vocabulary - Holidays - Talking about past experiences.

Building a bear sanctuary - Reading comprehension

In this lesson students read and listen to a written passage of text that shows a piece of news on the constructions of a bear sanctuary in Romania. These questions follow a sequential order and elicit students', skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice and true/false questions as well as matching statements with their corresponding sections. By practicing active and effective reading students acquire strong cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed and visualisation.

Unit 4

One fortnight in Austria

Aims: To acquire and learn the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises. Vocabulary: - Holidays - Pastimes - Common expressions: hand made, I',d rather.

It',s a beautiful day

Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary Structures and functions: - Talking about holiday plans - Will / Shall - Will vs. Going to - Prepositions. Vocabulary: - Holidays - Pastimes - Common expressions: I',m afraid so / not, on hand, help yourself, to fill in a form, a night on the town - Days of the week - Excursions - Films - Competitions.

Plans for the new year

Aims: To expand, revise and consolidate the structures and vocabulary as well as the grammar covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - Talking about holiday plans - Will / Shall - Will, Going to, Present continuous - Prepositions - Pronunciation: detecting tone. Vocabulary: - Holidays - Pastimes - Common expressions: I',m afraid so / not, on hand, help yourself, to fill in a form, a night on the town - Days of the week - Excursions - Films - Competitions.

Unit 5


Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises. Vocabulary: - Common expressions: do the shopping, lay the table, water the plants, feed the animals, sort out papers - Expressions with make: make a fuss, make a mess, make an effort.

Before travelling

Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - Changing money: being polite - Must, have to and can',t: obligations, duties, prohibition - Needn',t: lack of obligation - Asking for and giving permission: can and may - Giving advice / recommendations: do / don',t, ought to, should, need. Vocabulary: - Common expressions: do the shopping, lay the table, water the plants, feed the animals, sort out papers - Collocations with make and do: make a mistake, do the shopping, do homework etc - Common expressions: to make up for, to get someone in, it',s no use, take turns, on the other hand.

May I go out now

Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - Must, have to and can',t: obligations, duties, prohibition - Needn',t: lack of obligation - Asking for and giving permission: can and may - Giving advice / recommendations: do / don',t, ought to, should, need. Vocabulary: - Common expressions: do the shopping, lay the table, water the plants, feed the animals, sort out papers - Collocations with make and do: make a mistake, do the shopping, do homework etc - Common expressions: to make up for, to get someone in, it',s no use.

Unit 6

Who',s on

Aims: To expand, revise and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the level through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - General, contextual review of all structures covered up until now. Vocabulary: - Housework - Common expressions: do the shopping, lay the table, water the plants, feed the animals, sort out papers - Collocations with make and do: make a mistake, do the shopping, do homework etc - Common expressions: to make up for, to get someone in, it',s no use.

Village of the future

Aims: To expand, revise and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the level through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - General, contextual review of all structures covered up until now. Vocabulary: - General review of the topics covered up until now.

Shall we spend the day in the countryside

Aims: To expand, revise and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the level through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - General, contextual review of all structures covered up until now. Vocabulary: - General review of the topics covered up until now.

Housing - Additional vocabulary

This lesson provides students with additional materials to expand their knowledge of vocabulary to talk and describe the parts of the house, furniture and home appliances. Vocabulary is presented in context and there are follow-up exercises that provide extended practice.

Unit 7

Booking a business trip - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.

Free time - Dialogue

The student will listen to a series of questions which they can then answer freely by sending their answers to a teacher, on-line. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.

Opening a hotel chain - Reading comprehension

In this lesson students read and listen to a written passage of text that narrates the story of a young British entrepreneur who opened a successful hotel chain. After reading, students answer a series of questions that follow a sequential order and elicit their skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice and true/false questions as well as matching statements with their corresponding sections. By practicing active and effective reading students acquire strong cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed and visualisation.

Unit 8

Test summary exercises

In this last lesson of the course and as a way to revise, the student will come across a variety of exercises which will help consolidate and evaluate any knowledge which has been acquired throughout the duration of the course.

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