
Grado bachelor degree in business administration and management - Full Time del centro EAE Business School Barcelona

Programa de Grado bachelor degree in business administration and management - Full Time

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Barcelona
Abierta la convocatoria para Octubre 2021.


The Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management gives you the preparation you need to perform duties that are generally required in companies or in any particular department, such as Finance, Marketing and Sales, Investment.

The EAE’s Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management with participants receiving the qualification from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), provides solid academic training with a practical and professional approach with close links to the world of business.

A quién va dirigido

In short, EAE’s BBA is designed to equip professionals to run, manage and lead a company, organization and any other private or public institution. Our graduates are professionals equipped to take on executive duties within a context of complex and shifting global inter-relations, able to take decisions in the face of uncertain circumstances.


This Degree gives students insight into the fundamental aspects of the economic system in which we operate, learning about the various management areas of a company from three perspectives:

A generalist perspective, covering contents from all of the operational areas of a company.

A clear practical approach, with over 630 hours of practical work experience which count as elective credits.

A versatile methodology, designed to give the professional skills required to sucessfully enter the jobs market.


Measured in terms of the competences to be acquired by the students, the objectives of each course define both the teaching or learning methodology and the way in which each course is evaluated. Moreover, there is now a bilingual version of this degree course in English and Spanish.

The timeframe of the Degree in Business Administration and Management (BAM or ADE in Spanish) is spread over 4 academic years of two four-month semesters each, as shown below in the following table.

Designed in accordance with the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the study program of EAE’s Degree in BAM corresponds to a total of 240 ECTS Credits divided into 4 academic years of 60 credits each which, in turn, are spread over two semesters. The following types of subjects are included on the program:

1st Year Guide

2nd Year Guide

3rd Year Guide

4th Year Guide

Free-choice Subject Guide

Titulación obtenida

Grado bachelor degree in business administration and management - Full Time


Entry requirements and enrolment

Royal Decree 558/2010, dated 7th May, which regulates the conditions for access to official university degree education and the procedures for entry to Spanish public universities (BOE113, 8/05/2010), stipulates the following access routes, among others:

1. University entrance examinations, or equivalent tests.

2. Advanced Grade Vocational Training Programs, FP2 or equivalent.

3. University qualifications.

4. Entrance examinations for people over 25 years old.

5. Students from other education systems subject to Article 38.5 of Organic Law 2/2006, dated 3rd May, on Education.

6. Equivalence accreditation of foreign university studies (continuing the same studies).

Entrance priority is given to students who have completed a high school baccalaureate, in line with the Organic Law on Education, in social science, and who have passed the University Entrance examinations (PAU).

Información Adicional

Career Opportunities

EAE assesses the competencies that companies value most and passes them on to the students in order to facilitate their employability. The aim is to reach the level of development demanded by the jobs market.

Professional Careers Service

EAE’s Professional Careers Services is responsible for promoting networking and serving as point of contact between current and former students, collaborating companies and other business collectives interested in contracting EAE professionals.

Rankings EAE

Cuando haces una importante inversión en tus estudios, necesitas garantías. El prestigio de EAE está acreditado por algunos de los más importantes rankings nacionales e internacionales. 

EAE, 2ª escuela de negocios más prestigiosa de España según el ranking Merco 2019 ( MERCO 2019)

EAE Masters, entre los mejores de España según el ranking de los 250 Másters que realiza El Mundo 2019

EAE Business School entre las 50 mejores empresas para trabajar, según Forbes

International Rankings

EAE, entre las 20 mejores escuelas de negocio europeas BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK'S 2019-20

Máster en Dirección de Marketing en el top 50 mundial QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING 2020

EAE Masters entre los mejores en su sector QS GLOBAL MASTERS 2020

EAE MBA, entre los 40 mejores global MBA de Europa QS GLOBAL MBA RANKINGS 2020

EAE ocupa la posición 22 de las mejores escuelas de negocios del mundo AMÉRICA ECONOMÍA 2019

11 EAE Masters entre los mejores del mundo en sus respectivas áreas EDUNIVERSAL BEST MASTERS & MBA RANKING 2019

Global Executive MBA de EAE, entre los 45 mejores del mundo CNN EXPANSIÓN 2019

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