
Grado en Bsc in Economics & Management (London School of Economics) del centro CESMA Business School

Programa de Grado en Bsc in Economics & Management (London School of Economics)

Modalidad: Presencial
Horario: lunes a viernes 09:30 a 14.00 horas
Localización: Madrid


In order to provide an opportunity to follow the programme for candidates whose time availability is limited due to their work responsibilities, we are now offering the possibility to study as ‘part time students’ on the Executive Programme.

Classes for these students will be held on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, with the possibility of receiving tuition for 2 or 3 subjects a year. Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics and Management This degree enables you to combine an in-depth study of economics with management options. It will appeal to you if you wish to obtain a general education in those disciplines which underlie the theory and practice of management, and yet at the same time specialise in economics.

DURATION & TIMETABLE Three academic courses with a minimum of 360 contact hours and at least the same amount of time dedicated to study and utilisation of the library. Classes start in the beginning of October and last until the end of May.

Bachelor of Science Degree in Management The aim this programme is to look analytically and critically at management issues. This will enable you to pursue a range of career opportunities in commerce, industry and education. This degree is intended not only to be relevant to your experiences and your local environment, but to give you knowledge and understanding of a variety of issues in international management.

 This degree may suit you if you are interested in general management for either the public and private sectors, or if you want to pursue further training in management and corporate disciplines

Información Adicional

The University of London is one of the oldest universities in the United Kingdom. It enjoys a national and international reputation for excellence. The External Programme established in 1858 permits students throughout the world to study the above-mentioned programmes without having to attend classes in London. Students’ work is assessed to the same standard as students attending courses in London.
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