
Grado en Primary Education del centro Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Grados

Programa de Grado en Primary Education

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Madrid


Presentación de la URJC

Bienvenido a la página web de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. A través de estas páginas nos proponemos ponerle en contacto con la más joven de las universidades públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid.

Como puede comprobar visitando la página web, nuestra oferta educativa se distribuye por las áreas de Ciencias de la Salud, Ciencias Experimentales y Tecnología, Ciencias de la Comunicación y Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. La Universidad Rey Juan Carlos dispone actualmente de cuatro campus operativos en Alcorcón, Fuenlabrada, Móstoles y Vicálvaro, y una Fundación cuya sede se encuentra ubicada en la Madrileña Plaza de Manuel Becerra.

Se pueden cursar también programas de doctorado, máster y títulos propios. Estamos impulsando proyectos de cooperación activa con empresas e instituciones científicas y culturales, pues ser muy permeables a nuestro entorno social y productivo es uno de nuestros objetivos prioritarios, convencidos de que esta actitud facilitará las condiciones que permitan lograr la excelencia académica y la cualificación profesional de nuestros alumnos.

Invito a quienes accedan a nuestra web a consultar sus páginas, donde espero encuentren información de utilidad, tanto de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, como otros enlaces y contenidos de interés.

Term Field Subject Type* Credits Department/Section
1 Teaching/Business /Law School organisation FB 6 Education science, language, culture and arts (Teaching and school organisation section)
1 Humanities Spanish history and culture FB 6 Education science, language, culture and arts (Modern history section)
1 Teaching Theory of education FB 6 Education science, language, culture and arts (Theory and history of education section)
1 Basic legal principles: professional deontology and equality Deontology: ethics and social responsibility of education FB 6 Law History Science and Arts Science (Institutional law history section)
1 Teaching/History Social history of education FB 6 Law History Science and Arts Science (Contemporary history)
2 IT ITCs in education FB 6 Languages and IT systems I
2 Psychology Social psychology of education FB 6 Psychology (Social psychology)
2 Sociology Sociology of education FB 6 Social science (Sociology)
2 Teaching / Economy / Methodology Methodology of educational research FB 6 Financial economics and accountancy (Mathematics teaching)
2 Communication Audiovisual communication and education FB 6 Communication science I
Total number of credits in the course: 60.0

Term Field Subject Type* Credits Department/Area
1 Mathematics teaching / Mathematics Mathematics / Teaching I OB 6 Financial economics and accountancy (Mathematics teaching)
1 Grammar teaching / Grammar Spanish grammar and literature / Teaching I OB 6 Education science, language, culture and arts (Grammar teaching and literature)
1 Social science teaching / History and geography Social science teaching I OB 6 Education science, language, culture and arts (Social science teaching)
1 Music Music education I OB 6 Education science, language, culture and arts (Music)
1 Physical education Physical education I OB 6 Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine
2 Mathematics teaching / Mathematics Mathematics / Teaching II OB 6 Financial economics and accountancy (Mathematics teaching)
2 Grammar teaching / Grammar Spanish grammar and literature / Teaching II OB 6 Education science, language, culture and arts (Grammar teaching and literature)
2 Language teaching (English) / Language English / Teaching OB 6 Languages I (English)
2 Teaching/Psychology Focus on diversity and educational inclusion: implications on teaching FB 6 Basic psychology
Yearly Language Modern language FB 6
Total number of credits in the course: 60.0

Term Field Subject Type* Credits Department/Area
Mathematics teaching / Mathematics
Mathematics / Teaching III
Financial economics and accountancy (Mathematics teaching)

1 Grammar teaching / Grammar Spanish grammar and literature / Teaching III OB 6 Education science, language, culture and arts (Grammar teaching and literature)
1 Social science teaching / History and geography Social science teaching II OB 6 Education science, language, culture and arts (Social science teaching)
1 Experimental science teaching / Biology / Physics / Environmental science Natural science teaching I OB 6 Biology and Geology
Inorganic and analytical chemistry
Chemical and environmental technology
1 Music Music education II OB 6 Education science, language, culture and arts (Music)
2 Physical education Physical education II OB 6 Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine
2 Experimental science teaching / Biology / Physics / Environmental science Experimental science in primary education OB 4.5 Biology and Geology
Inorganic and analytical chemistry
Chemical and environmental technology
2 Social science teaching / History and geography Social science in primary education OB 4.5 Education science, language, culture and arts (Social science teaching)
2 Internship Internship OB 15
Total number of credits in the course: 60.0

Term Field Subject Type* Credits Department/Area
1 Art and visual education Art education OB 6 Education science, language, culture and arts (Aesthetics and theory of art)
1 Experimental science teaching / Biology / Physics / Environmental science Natural science teaching II OB 6 Biology and Geology
Inorganic and analytical chemistry
Chemical and environmental technology
1 Academic credit validation Academic credit validation OP 6
Yearly Internship Internship OB 36
Yearly Qualification Project Qualification Project OB 6
Total number of credits in the course: 60.0

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