
Health care management MBA del centro Royal Universities

Programa de Health care management MBA

Modalidad: Presencial



MBA Health Care Management (HLST085)

MBA Health Care Management with Professional Experience (HLST144)

This course runs in September and January.

12 months full-time

20 months full-time with Professional Experience

24 months part-time

The management of health and social care services in hospitals and other related facilities is changing rapidly with government, funding bodies and healthcare insurance companies demanding greater accountability and efficiencies.

Increasing complexity of the user/patient journey creates unique challenges for managers and leaders of health and social care services to respond to. Commissioning and purchasing of health related services, logistics, continuous professional development, accounting, legal and professional regulation along with increasing public scrutiny of health care systems require expert high quality strategic leadership and management functions.

This course prepares the next generation of healthcare managers, leaders and entrepreneurs to think creatively in refreshing the delivery and quality of existing health and social care services and responding to future demands.

The MBA Health Care Management with Professional Experience, is an extended full-time Masters programme with a substantive professional experience component. Within the professional experience modules, students have the option of undertaking an internship with a host organisation or, alternatively, campus-based professional experience. Internships are subject to a competitive application and selection process and the host organisation may include the University.

Internships may be paid or unpaid, and this will depend on what is being offered and agreed with the host organisation. Students who do not wish to undertake an internship or are not successful in securing an internship will undertake campus-based professional experience, which will deliver similar learning outcomes through supervised projects and activities designed to offer students the opportunity to integrate theory with an understanding of professional practice.


Offered as a full-time or part-time programme with two points of entry, September and January.

Opportunities to undertake an internship or consultancy project and voluntary work placements in a range of settings.

Collaboration between the Coventry Business School, with its excellent International reputation and the School of Health within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, drawing on highly qualified and academic staff relevant subject expertise in business, health and social care and management and leadership.

Interprofessional learning across a range of modules, both within the Coventry Business School in which students will learn alongside their peers on other MBA programmes and the School of Health in which they will learn alongside their peers on other health-related Masters programmes.


You will study a range of modules which provide a detailed understanding of business management combined with examination of contemporary challenges within healthcare management.

The course will feature a range of current and management theories relevant to the health and social care sectors. In addition, it will also explore multi-cultural and international dimensions of healthcare management. The programme will also develop students&rsquo, employability and entrepreneurial skills.

Specifically, the modules of study are:

Leading Complex Healthcare Systems

Leadership, Service Improvement and Integrated Care

Human Resource Management,

Financial Analysis and Decision-Making,

Principles of Marketing,

Strategic Analysis

Research Methodology, Design and Methods

Additionally, the understanding gained from these modules will be demonstrated and applied in either the university-based MBA Management Project (12 month full-time and 24 month part-time) or the MBA Postgraduate Internship Research Project undertaken with an host organisation or MBA Postgraduate Consultancy Project (18 month full-time).

You will experience learning with students from other MBA programmes within the Coventry Business School and Masters programmes within the School of Health, in addition to those specialising in healthcare management at different stages of your course.

You will be supported by a personal tutor throughout your studies and receive individual supervision whilst undertaking either the MBA Management Project or MBA Postgraduate Internship Research Project.


The full-time and part-time study modes of the programme are delivered through a series of face-to-face lectures and seminars for each module with the exception of the MBA Management Project or MBA Postgraduate Internship Project for which you receive individual supervision.

Lecture notes or supportive learning materials will normally be available to you on-line through the university&rsquo,s module web. Including lecture capture technologies so that you can reflect on earlier learning and gradually develop a coherent and comprehensive knowledge of your subject.

The university offers extensive e-resources to students with access to a significant range of digitised reading resources, in addition to a well-stocked library.

Your personal tutor will meet with you to progress your learning throughout your studies.

All modules have an element of self-directed independent study.

Información Adicional


You will experience a range of assessment methods:

4 modules combine an examination with either a group or individual assessment,

3 modules have one piece of individual work.

The MBA Management Project or MBA Postgraduate Internship Project combines an extended dissertation with a viva voce oral examination.

Assessments normally take place at the end of each semester.


In a typical week you will be required to attend 12 hours of teaching:

Lectures: 4 hours per week,

Seminars: 8 hours per week,

You will also be required to undertake reading and self-directed independent study to support your learning.
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