
IEC 61850 standard: Control and protection communication systems for electrical substations, smart grids, electric vehicle and re del centro FUNDACIÓN CIRCE

Programa de IEC 61850 standard: Control and protection communication systems for electrical substations, smart grids, electric vehicle and re

Modalidad: Online
Duración 125


The ongoing evolution of the electrical industry can be proved, nowadays, by the deployment of Smart Grids technologies, aiming at a more efficient and sustainable use of energy. These goals require the upgrade of the network, enhancing the ICT capabilities of the grid, in order to support a bidirectional data exchange, an indispensable basis for the interaction demanded by the new services. This approach leads to, for some years now and as an extended convention, TCP/IP solutions. The IEC 61850 standard, a consequence of this roadmap, is designed to provide a framework for the implementation of these developments in the local networks of electrical substations. Its wide scope and advantages resulted, as well, in its extension to Smart Grid and renewable energy scenarios or electric vehicle charge control.


Provide the necessary capabilities and skills to plan, analyse and maintain the configurations of the grid control and protection systems by means of the IEC 61850 standard.

Consolidate knowledge of control and protection systems for electrical networks.

Understand the structure, objectives and main technical aspects of the standard.

Define models of the main substation elements according to the standard criteria.

Interpret and adjust CID files for the configuration of different IEDs.

Select and configure the data sent by a device using the IEC 61850 communication protocols.

Expand knowledge about LAN networks, focused on their application to electrical substations and Smart Grid.

Analyze and understand IEC 61850 communication protocols messages.

Student profile

Electrical sector professionals and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge in Substation Automation Systems and new communication technologies in electrical networks.



Control, protection and remote control systems of electrical substations.

Overview of the IEC 61850 standard.

Introduction to communication protocols, TCP/IP model and LAN networks.

The IEC 61850 standard

Data model: structure, types and modeling of the real physical elements.

Services: abstract description prior to their implementation through protocols.

IEC 61850 communication protocols: performance of services. Message structure.


Configuration of IEDs/Control and protection devices.

Practical examples of configuration and protocol analysis.

Smart Grid and renewable energy plants applications.

Overview of real solutions in substations

Market common specifications for protection and control equipment of substations in accordance with the IEC 61850 standard.

Practical case: Endesa&rsquo,s first pilot substation with an IEC 61850 solution in Spain.


Assessment, future lines of the standard and other applications.
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