
Ingles del centro Penta Learning

Programa de Ingles

Modalidad: Online



Con este itinerario estarás capacitado para hablar inglés a la perfección. Hoy en día las empresas valoran un buen nivel de este idioma en su plantilla para ser competente en cualquier sector.

Eliminarás las barreras lingü,ísticas en tu futuro profesional.



Inglés A1

Introductory Skills 1

1. Greetings

2. The Alphabet

3. Introductions

4. Age

5. Countries

6. Nationalities

7. Occupations

8. My Family

9. Pets

10. Review

Introductory Skills 2

1. The Body

2. Clothes

3. Appearance

4. Feelings

5. Likes and Dislikes

6. Activities

7. Days of the Week

8. The Date

9. The Office

10. Review

All skills

1. Introductions

2. The Family

3. Going on Vacation

4. A City Tour

5. Introducing Oneself

6. Cultural Exercises

7. Descriptions

8. Numbers & Letters

9. Cultural Exercises

10. Dates & Times

11. Objects & Animals

12. Adjectives

13. Vacation Plans

15. The Summer Rental

16. Grocery Shopping

17. The Supermarket

Inglés A2

1. Weather Report

2. The Canoe Trip

3. Vacation Time

4. At the Shore

5. Free Time

6. At the Lake

7. Cultural Exercises

8. Arrival in New York

9. Cultural Exercises

Inglés B1

1. Breakfast Menus

2. Cultural Exercises

3. "Still Hungry?"

4. The Menu

5. Desserts

6. Cultural Exercises - 00:07

7. Window-shopping

8. The Fitting Room

9. An Emergency

10. At the Doctor',s

11. Correspondence

12. At the Post Office

13. Banks and ATMs

14. Paying a Bill

Inglés B2

1. Living in America

2. Cultural Exercises

3. Seeing the USA

4. The Post Office

5. Seminar Planning

6. Insurance & Banking

Inglés Business C1

Interpersonal Skills and Negotiation IV

1. An Unexpected Change

2. Legal Advice

3. The Project

4. Client Negotiations

5. Virtual Conversation: Make a Deal

6. Between Meetings

7. The Economy

8. The Press Article

9. Department Restructure

10. The Decision

11. Product Analysis

12. A Disagreement

13. Virtual Conversation: Arrange a Delivery

Client and Business Partner Relations IV

1. A New Scanner

2. Information Security

3. Technical Assistance

4. Colleagues from Abroad

5. Artistic Differences

6. Virtual Conversation: Come to a Compromise

7. A Convincing Argument

8. Sales Training Analysis

9. Sales Training Negotiation

10. Virtual Conversation: Persuade a Client

Professional Interaction IV

1. An Advertising Strategy

2. Virtual Conversation: Defend Your Opinion

3. Technical Explanations

4. A Salary Negotiation

Presentations and Meetings IV

1. End-of-Year Summary

2. A Recruitment Strategy

3. A Green Challenge

4. Virtual Conversation: Find out about a Car

5. Project Risks

6. Customer Service Objectives

7. Employee Incentives

Client relations

1. Cultural Exercises

2. Cultural Exercises

3. Trouble with Orders

4. Organizing a Stay

5. Welcoming Visitors

6. Cultural Exercises

7. Trouble with Orders

8. Organizing a Stay

9. Welcoming Visitors

10. Handling an Invoice

11. Cultural Exercises

12. After-sales Service
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