
International marketing and management (Bachelor Honours) del centro Royal Universities

Programa de International marketing and management (Bachelor Honours)

Modalidad: Presencial



GESTIONAMOS TU INGRESO en una universidad británica. Elije entre alguna s de las mejores universidades y estudia este grado con una financiación del 100% del gobierno británico en condiciones muy especiales. ¡,Garantizamos tu plaza!

This degree is divided into stages. Each stage lasts for an academic year and you need to complete modules totalling 120 credits by the end of each stage. Modules do change and therefore may differ for your year of entry.

Stage one

Compulsory modules

LMK1002 Introduction to Marketing

LMK1004 Professional Skills for Marketing

LMK1007 Consumer Behaviour

LBU1001 Introduction to Management and Organisations

LBU1004 Critical Perspectives on Business Growth

LBU1014 Quantitative Methods for International Business Management

Stage two

Compulsory modules

LMK2052 Global Strategic Marketing

LMK2004 Research Methods for Business and Marketing

LBU2034 Operations Management

LBU2074 Global Perspectives in Managing People and Organisations

LMK2010 Marketing Communications

LBU2011 Business Enterprise

Work placement (four-year degree only)

Between Stages two and three, students on a four-year degree with placement will have the option to spend a full academic year on a work placement with an approved organisation.

While on placement you will complete the following modules:

LMK3015 Intercalating Year Personal Learning Record

LMK3016 Intercalating Year Reflective Learning Account

Stage three

Compulsory modules

LMK3012 Direct and Digital Marketing

LBU3050 Management and Creativity, Design and Innovation

LMK3006 Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion

LBU3004 Electronic Business

You also take one of the following:

LMK3096 Contemporary Marketing Dissertation

LMK3097 Marketing Consultancy Project

LBU3051 Management Studies Dissertation

LBU3053 Management Consultancy Project
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