
Licenciatura en Bachelor of Professional Studies in Social Services / Graduado en Servicios Sociales del centro CIU CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY - Virtual Campus

Programa de Licenciatura en Bachelor of Professional Studies in Social Services / Graduado en Servicios Sociales

Modalidad: A Distancia
Duración 1800


FIRST CYCLE BSA101 Advanced Learning Applications BSA102 The Church and Its Mission BSA103 Christian Social Responsibility BSA104 Guided Studies/Senior Seminar BSA105 General Psychology: Applied Psychologies BSA106 Human Growth and Development I BSA107 Human Growth and Development II BSA108 Abnormal Psychology BSA109 Introduction to Counseling Theory and Techniques SECOND CYCLE BSA201 Psychology for the Exceptional Child BSA202 Introduction to Sociology BSA203 Social Problems BSA204 The Family BSA205 Social Stratification BSA206 Death, Dying, and Grief BSA207 Social Services Practice I BSA208 Social Services Practice II BSA209 Social Service Field Experience THIRD CYCLE BSA301 Social intervention with drug and other addictions BSA302 Social intervention with homeless people BSA303 Social intervention with older people (I) BSA304 Social intervention with the elderly (II) BSA305 Social intervention with persons with disabilities (I) BSA306 Social intervention with persons with disabilities (II) BSA307 Social intervention with children (I) BSA308 Social intervention with children (II) BSA309 Social intervention with children (III) FOURTH CYCLE BSA401 Social intervention with the family (I) BSA402 Social intervention with the family (II) BSA403 Social intervention with women BSA404 Social intervention with ethnic minorities BSA405 Intervention with the social movements (I) BSA406 Intervention with the social movements (II) BSA407 Social policy and programs of the European Union BSA408 Social Services in the European Union BSA409 Final Project

Información Adicional

Este programa de Bachelor Degree esta diseñado para adultos que trabajan y que ya cursaron los estudios de bachillerato (high school). Puede terminarse en 36 meses o en menos dependiendo de la determinación del estudiante y de la evaluación de sus calificaciones y de su experiencia laboral. En CIU Cambridge International University validamos tanto la experiencia académica como la profesional. Por esta razón, son evaluadas tomadas en cuenta para obtener créditos en el programa de licenciatura.

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