
Luxury Travel and Tourism del centro London College of Contemporary Arts

Programa de Luxury Travel and Tourism

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: City of London

A quién va dirigido




Introduction to luxury tourism and hospitality management

Marketing and consumer behaviour for niche markets

Product and service delivery in the luxury tourism and hospitality sector

Operations management in the high end tourism & hospitality industry


Offering spa holidays, round the world cruises and everything in between, the luxury tourism and hospitality industry has stood strong throughout difficult financial times. This is an exciting and ever-evolving industry, offering plenty of opportunities to learn about, and possibly even visit, luxury holiday destinations around the globe.

Over the course of 2 weeks, you will learn skills vital to gaining a long and prosperous career within this highly regarded industry. You will obtain in-depth knowledge on the elite clientele and how best to market products towards them, as well as picking up the fundamentals in managing a company within the luxury tourism and hospitality industry.

The course is taught by experienced professionals, many of whom come from backgrounds relevant to the luxury tourism industry. This will greatly enhance your learning experience, as you are able to acquire knowledge from people who have dealt with the industry first-hand.

Towards the end of the course, you will submit a 1500 word report discussing the problems facing the luxury tourism industry for assessment. You will leave this this course with a thorough understanding of key operational issues within the sector, and the ability to market luxury tourism and hospitality products and services and deliver high quality customer service.

Titulación obtenida


Información Adicional


Minimum age: 18

English proficiency: intermediate

Study mode: Full-time, Mondays - Friday

Duration: 2 weeks (60 hours)

Intakes Dates 2016: 20 Jun &ndash, 1 Jul, 17 Oct &ndash, 28 Oct
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