
MA in Public Relations del centro London College of Contemporary Arts

Programa de MA in Public Relations

Modalidad: Presencial
Inicio: A partir del 01/10/2016
Localización: City of London

A quién va dirigido


Our MA programme will prepare you for a high level career in the public relations industry.

You will be focusing on analytical and academic content, whilst also learning the practical and vocational applications of the course material. You will acquire a sound knowledge of the theories of public relations, advertising and marketing and how they are applied in the industry.

You will develop the intellectual, social and practical skills needed, whilst gaining the ability to analyse related issues on a national and international level. Whether you want to pursue a career in public relations, or go on to further academic study, this programme is an excellent base for any related management position.

The course helps a wide range of graduates, with little knowledge of PR, to learn both practical techniques and an understanding of the way the PR industry impacts us on a day-to-day basis.




The course is split into 3 semesters.

During the first semester you will study modules in:

Fundamental issues in public relations

PR and society: concepts and ethics

Public relations campaigns: design and implementation

The second semester will consist of:

Strategic communication management

Advertising and marketing

Events management

The third and final semester will focus solely on the dissertation.

Titulación obtenida


Información Adicional


Delivery mode: Full-time, distance learning

Duration: 18 months

Intakes: October 2016

Minimum qualifications:

UK applicants: honours degree (2:2 or above) or equivalent in any subject

Overseas applicants: any UK NARIC approved equivalent

Language proficiency: minimum IELTS 5.5 in all bands, or equivalent

Alternative - Students who fail to meet academic requirements can be assessed on their relevant work experience (3 years management experience minimum for mature study route)

Plus CV, Photograph and 2 references
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