
Máster en marketing management (MIM) - 100% English del centro ESIC Campus Barcelona

Programa de Máster en marketing management (MIM) - 100% English

Modalidad: Presencial
Inicio: A partir del 01/09/2022
Duración 12 meses
Horario: Part Time - L a J 19 a 22h / o 15 a 18h
Precio: 22338 €
Localización: Barcelona


The MIM is considered among the top graduate programs in Marketing in the world and it is included in the Top 50 Marketing list by Youth Incorporated (2017).

By completing the MIM, participants will gain the key skills and knowledge to evaluate, manage, and implement marketing strategies while strengthening their ability to face and solve complex challenges in an increasingly globalized marketing environment. In this context, the program has embedded in its curriculum a clear international approach enriched with the latest trends and developments in digital marketing; two pillars that represent the foundations for tomorrow’s marketing leaders.

A quién va dirigido

Marketers who wish to develop and reinforce their career both in a national and international context, working at a strategic level or aspiring to do so and wishing to acquire a top-level professional profile within the marketing industry


The aim is to create a virtuous cycle of action-feedback-analysis-action for participants. All teaching is delivered in English.


Two unique options to strengthen the participants’ professional development

Participants should choose between one of the following two options to complement their professional development:

The International Business Experience in China

The International Business Experience strengthens participants’ academic and professional development by enriching their profile with first-hand contact with the Chinese business, university, and sociocultural environments while supporting the development of an international network. The trip, which takes place in May or June for a week, includes visits to Chinese international companies, seminars, and conferences from Chinese businesswomen/men and lecturers, as well as meetings with peers to explore joint opportunities and visits to cultural and historic sites. The program provides a global international approach with in-depth experience in the Chinese business marketplace.

The Professional Graduate Studies Diploma

Upon the successful completion of a complementary program and corresponding examinations, participants will also receive the “Level 7 Professional Graduate Studies Diploma in Marketing” from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM,, the world’s largest organization of professional marketers with over 40,000 members worldwide. It is a unique combination of a marketing degree plus a professional qualification and gives graduates a distinct competitive edge for their future professional development based on both academic knowledge and practical orientation. Level 7 Professional Graduate Studies Diploma in Marketing is a challenging, high-level marketing qualification and it is recognised at Master’s level equivalent by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework and the Open University in the UK, using the UK higher education benchmarks. The Professional Graduate Studies Diploma in Marketing is also recognised in the European Union by the European Qualifications Framework.

Titulación obtenida

Master in Marketing Management from ESIC Business & Marketing School. Those opting for the PDM option will also receive the Graduate Studies Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing.


Marketers who wish to develop and reinforce their career both in a national and international context, working at a strategic level or aspiring to do so and wishing to acquire a top-level professional profile within the marketing industry

Información Adicional

Part Time - L a J 19 a 22h / o 15 a 18h

Teaching methods:

Student-centered learning guided by educators, tutors, and mentors to understand, practice, reflect, and apply both subject-specific knowledge and transferable skills.

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