
Máster en Marketing Online y Comercio Digital - Full Time del centro EAE Madrid Business School

Programa de Máster en Marketing Online y Comercio Digital - Full Time

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 12 meses
Localización: Madrid
Abierta la convocatoria para Octubre 2021.


The student will have the option, at the end of the school term in Barcelona, ??to carry out a two-week residential stay at Kean University (USA).

The current business environment is evolving rapidly. Globalisation, new information technologies and innovative distribution channels are changing the perspective of marketing. Companies are increasingly demanding more professionals capable of leading these changes and turning these opportunities into competitive advantages. Professionals with solid training, who have a sound knowledge of new modern marketing trends and insight into the organisational aspects that generate corporative value. 

Consumers are becoming more and more demanding and have access to greater information, so they are fully aware of what they want and need. All companies need professionals in their Marketing Departments who are capable of successfully managing the correct combination of the three main elements offered by this Master’s degree: solid marketing training and knowledge, the skills necessary to respond effectively to the current market and environment and the ability to turn the existing technologies into a competitive advantage. 

With the Master in Marketing & Sales, we offer the key to corporate excellence to professionals in direct contact with customers, equipping them with the skills required by the market. Throughout the program, the professionals are provided with the conditions to change. Participants in the program will undergo an experience and process of change.

A quién va dirigido

This training program is aimed at professionals who wish to specialize in their marketing career and become industry experts.


1.DEVELOPMENT. Knowledge skills and attitudes within the marketing department. The course involves:

a) Understanding and applying marketing fundamentals and strategies in accordance with the company’s strategy, understanding the Marketing Plan as a basic tool, not only of the department itself, but also of the company’s strategic management.

b) Controlling the techniques to obtain information and developing this into a Marketing and Competitive Intelligence Information System.

c) Developing the skills necessary in identifying opportunities, threats and changes to the company’s competitive environment and adapting the company’s strategy according to possible scenarios.

d) Controlling the bases of the different marketing mix policies in the company.

2.NEW MARKETING AND COMMERCIAL TRENDS: To provide a clear view of the opportunities and risks of new marketing trends, and to know how to adapt the company to a new competitive environment developing skills to address specific marketing needs appropriately in different sectors and being able to lead the implementation of new operational management systems aimed at the market and the consumer.

3. MANAGEMENT SKILLS: To enable participants to succeed in their professional life:

a) Being able to communicate and encourage work teams in a globalized, diverse and multicultural environment.

b) Reaching a full understanding of the organizational processes, in particular, those that allow professionals to create and improve corporate value.

c) Analysing the market situation, defining different scenarios, establishing opportunities and defining the business strategy and how to implement it.


MÓDULO 1 - International Marketing Management & Market Globalization -

Strategic management of international marketing: Competition and keys to success in global markets 6 ECTS

Marketing professional development in a global enviroment 6 ECTS

MÓDULO 2 - Strategic International Market Planning -

Global markets: research and identification of the value proposal 6 ECTS

Creating value in international markets 6 ECTS

MÓDULO 3 - Management of Value in Global Markets -

Economic and financial management of the strategic decisions of international marketing 6 ECTS

Digital marketing in international enviroments 6 ECTS

MÓDULO 4 - Go to Market -

Delivering value to international customers 6 ECTS

Sales strategies and international comercialization 6 ECTS

MÓDULO 5 - Internship -

Internship 6 ECTS

Final Master Thesis -

Final master thesis 6 ECTS

Minor 10 ECTS


Titulación obtenida

Participants who successfully complete the program will receive the qualification of Master in Marketing & Sales from EAE Business School. In addition, students who fulfill the establioshed academic requirements will obtain the Master in Marketing & Sales degree from Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (if studying in Barcelona) or the Master in Marketing & Sales degree from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (if studying in Madrid).

In order to receive the qualifications granted by EAE and the University, participants must fulfil the requirements stipulated by these institutions.


The main objective of the admissions process is to ensure candidates' suitability for the program, by looking at their professional experience and their academic background.

Our aim is for all participants to make the most of the experience we offer through a context in which they may develop a long-term relationship with classmates, lecturers and alumni.

In order to start the admissions process, the form has to be filled in so that EAE's Academic Committee can consider the application. If the decision issued by the Academic Committee for the requested program is positive, the candidate can complete their enrolment.

Información Adicional

Career Opportunities

EAE assesses the competencies that companies value most highly and provides guidance to students in this respect in order to facilitate their employability. The objective is to reach the level of development demanded by the jobs market.

Professional Opportunities: 

· Marketing Director

· Commercial Director

· Product Manager

· Brand Manager

· Digital Marketing Manager

· Key Account Manager

· Direct Marketing Manager

· Trade Marketing Manager

· Marketing Technician

· Commercial Technician

Rankings EAE

Cuando haces una importante inversión en tus estudios, necesitas garantías. El prestigio de EAE está acreditado por algunos de los más importantes rankings nacionales e internacionales. 

EAE, 2ª escuela de negocios más prestigiosa de España según el ranking Merco 2019 ( MERCO 2019)

EAE Masters, entre los mejores de España según el ranking de los 250 Másters que realiza El Mundo 2019

EAE Business School entre las 50 mejores empresas para trabajar, según Forbes

International Rankings

EAE, entre las 20 mejores escuelas de negocio europeas BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK'S 2019-20

Máster en Dirección de Marketing en el top 50 mundial QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING 2020

EAE Masters entre los mejores en su sector QS GLOBAL MASTERS 2020

EAE MBA, entre los 40 mejores global MBA de Europa QS GLOBAL MBA RANKINGS 2020

EAE ocupa la posición 22 de las mejores escuelas de negocios del mundo AMÉRICA ECONOMÍA 2019

11 EAE Masters entre los mejores del mundo en sus respectivas áreas EDUNIVERSAL BEST MASTERS & MBA RANKING 2019

Global Executive MBA de EAE, entre los 45 mejores del mundo CNN EXPANSIÓN 2019

Incorporamos una nueva metodología Flexible Start Date:

Nuestra metodología innovadora y flexible nos permite ofrecer a alumnos internacionales un sistema de incorporación continua de varias etapas para que puedan incorporarse a las clases presenciales posterior al comienzo oficial del programa sin problemas. Para la convocatoria de Mayo 2021 ofrecemos cuatro etapas/fechas para el on-boarding de los alumnos a las clases presenciales. Solicita información sobre tu programa de interés y uno de nuestros asesores te informará sobre las fechas de incorporación que tenemos previstas.

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