
Máster in design transportation and future mobility del centro Barreira A+D

Programa de Máster in design transportation and future mobility

Modalidad: Online


Master in Transportation Design and Future Mobility is a course designed to train a new highly demanded professional profile in the transportation design industry.

New Sustainable development trends and global urban agendas are modifying the landscape of our cities. New transportation systems will be required to generate new solutions to this change of society’s mentality. The nature of innovation is changing over time due to technological and product life-cycles, which directly impacts upon the industry standards. Co-creation with stakeholders has become innovation 4.0. New mega trends on customer values require the designers to learn a set of conceptual and technical skills. To produce this new technology here at Barreira we want to help students to be in the forefront of the industry. A close collaboration between Interaction Design, User Experience and Transportation Design is key to fulfill the requirements of the new environment and customers that demand efficiency and reduction of waste.

A quién va dirigido

Professionals from any design field, architects, industrial engineers or fine arts graduates with knowledge on 3d volumes and shapes are welcome. Any other person who wishes to improve his knowledge on transportation design development. Although it is recommended to have a basic knowledge on form, aesthetics and tech. Professionals from the automotive industry that wish to extend their knowledge or adapt to the new industry trends and environments are also welcome.


A course created to equip the students with critical thinking to respond to the wider concerns of urbanism, social and technology changes around transportation. Students will be required and engaged to be informed and contribute to the discourse and debate about transportation future. In that sense, creativity and research will be key to finding a solution to the global issues of sustainability, consumption and energy related to the transportation topic.


MODULE 1 (first semester)


Presentation techniques.

3D Modeling & visualisation.

Theory of vehicle design.

Future mobility

Technical application of vehicle design

Presentation techniques:

Learn analogue techniques such as pencil and pen illustration. Improve and develop visual communication and making skills, including markers , colour pencils and all kinds of illustration tools or other exploration tools, as the basics of sculpting through different techniques including clay and other experimentation processes like VR Sketching or foam sculpting. The studients will be encouraged to find their own path to express their ideas, providing support to the studio activities by developing their ability to communicate their design progress (visualizing their thinking, decision-making and design concepts) while using appropriate digital platforms and experiencing new methods of presentation.

Recognizing that students enter the program with diverse digital abilities, the instruction is very flexible, matching individual student skills and needs with the needs of their studio projects. Typical 2D digital tools used include Photoshop, Illustrator or paintbrush.

Every transportation designer must be capable of expressing their ideas through a 3D representation. This is a basic skill in the daily routine of a designer closely connected to the 2D skills as part of the development process. The support between each other is essential for the materialisation.

3d Modelling & Visualisation:

During this course students attend lessons on digital modelling where Autodesk Alias Automotive and Maya or Blender are taught. Preparation for rapid prototyping and visualization tools like VRED & Keyshot are also covered, Creation and presentation with virtual techniques as Gravity Sketch and the latest software available.

Theory of vehicle design:

Providing knowledge and practice on brand identity and strategic design. Students learn how to analyse an existing brand and practice strategic design. This course is about the architecture of diverse forms of vehicles and the evolution of them, with emphasis on automobiles. Topics include dimensions, human packaging, general layout of components, structure and proportions. H-Point is used as the text for the course.

Mobility will play a central role in the global changes that our generation has been called upon to provoke and direct. However, traditional Car Designers are not sufficiently prepared to face this process. Now is the time to expand the discipline and broaden its scope. The new generation of designers must look beyond the current automobile and diversify their knowledge and interests towards a set of topics essential to the process of rethinking mobility and the products and services that make it possible. Automotive Design will cease to be a discipline focused entirely on aesthetics and become a profession from which cities, and in turn societies, will be transformed.


The reach of Automotive Design is broader than it has been understood. Cars have simply transformed humanity in ways the discipline is not yet involved with. The goal of this academic program is to raise general awareness on the contexts of such broadness and pin point personal interests towards the development of specific issues. This class is designed for students to expand their conception of the automobile and with it, the scope of their creative impact.

Future mobility:

Insight into the problem, society’s smart mobility and changing landscape. Preparation for the final project subject.

Every evolutionary step of the automotive industry has come as a response to a shift in landscape conditions. The current transformation follows, amongst other factors, three main changes that have shaken the idea of the automobile from the ground up: globalization, the environmental crisis and digitalization. From the process of globalization, we have learnt that any issue in question is interconnected to others and that a complex problem cannot be solved without prior analysis of its context and the stakeholders’ relationships to it. Globalization has outlined systematic thinking as a key aspect of the intellectual process of challenging the status quo. global warming has prompted not only a change in consumer habits, but a complete rethinking of the ethical values of the products and services the public is offered. For its part, digitalization has immersed new generations in information, expanding its variety of uses and transforming the individual’s standards and expectations regarding a variety of topics that range from the technological to the philosophical. From the combination of these factors, for example, electric mobility was (re)born and an array of digital transport services became ubiquitous


Along these industry transitions, the role of the Automotive Designer is changing. This course is designed to provide studients with the tools required to develop a deep understanding of the historic evolution of the industry, global knowledge on the cultural, environmental and technological shifts predicted to have an impact on the sector and, perhaps most importantly, the individual creative skills needed to help the discipline deal with the fact that car design, after all, is not only about designing cars, but about envisioning ways in which the automobile can regain its historic relevance.

Technical application of vehicle design:

In this course students will be introduced to detailed design for the automotive industry covering technical feasibility, innovative technology, safety and legislation requirements. Students will be initiated on an automotive project, from concept to pre-development.

MODULE 2 (second semester)


Interior Design project

Exterior Design project

UX integration in mobility ecosystems

Internship within the industry.


This term features 2 long projects to be done in a team to challenge convention and demonstrate the student’s ability to handle team work, develop a complete interior and exterior project and deliver a full package.

Project interior/ exterior:

Our students must apply their previous knowledge to develop a complete vehicle (interior and exterior).The course will consist of an introduction to the total process of vehicle design. The focus will be on an understanding of automotive proportion and form. Students will be given a package and should adapt to it following the industry requirements. Such exercise is normally implemented in collaboration with the industry and comprises further education about ergonomics, vehicle architecture and design methods. These student projects should present a mix of conceptual ideas and detailed realistic design solutions that give credibility to their results. An external tutor is assigned to support the group of students during all phases of the project and the collaborating company is normally represented during the reviews. The automotive exterior module focuses on the development of vehicle exterior design. Students are required to make concept proposals for a given theme in sketch and rendering form along with a scale clay model based on a technical “package”. Thereafter, students should produce a 3D virtual model which should be submitted at the end of the course for assessment. The final proposal must identify and feature innovation through service, technology and design as a group experience.

Interior project adds an extra assessment, students are also required to submit examples of research, including ergonomic and material studies.

Internship within the industry:

As an optional assignment students can do an internship validating the Final Project.

In this case, the student will have to choose the company, contact them to check their availability and give us the contact of the person in charge of the internships department in order for us to organize all the needed documentation.

The student will have to submit his or her experience as a Final Project for a final assessment.

UX integration in mobility ecosystems:

This course is a key element to connect the human part of transportation with the development of new products. As a fundamental part of the Mobility lab and with the collaboration of the Digital Minds Master in UX aim to integrate visual(styling) and interactive (UX). The goal is to create a professional designer of developing a full product from the initial appearance to the more complex interaction with the user.

MODULE 3 (third semester)

Final Project:

Reaching this point each student will be asked to choose a topic for their personal final project. For a period of six months they will develop their idea that will be presented at the end of the period. A selected jury (to be determinated at the time) will attend the final presentation and the project will be assessed.

In the final term students lead their own major project (Independent Research Project)


The final core project in this program runs for six months and is a self-directed investigation into an area of the students’ selection. This project is normally done in cooperation with a corporate sponsor or external partner, established on the initiative of the student. Students are expected to identify design opportunities, establish contact with stakeholders and write a project brief which includes project goals, description of methods, anticipated deliverables and outline budget. The process of defining the projects starts early in the second semester at the future mobility course and is done in dialogue with the Program Director. You will receive tutoring support throughout the project, with regular checkpoints to assess your progress. Your final results will be exhibited at the annual graduation event.

Titulación obtenida

Mobility Lab: Master in Transportation Design and Future Mobility, is own certificate issued by Centro Oficial de Estudios Superiores Barreira Arte + Diseño.


To apply to this course simply send us a CV and a motivation letter together with a portfolio showing some of your skills. If your profile gets selected you will be contacted for a personal interview.

Información Adicional

Career opportunities

This master course offers many opportunities as a designer:starting from becoming a transportation designer in the automotive industry, to being part of the team who develops the products in a motorcycle brand, or a yacht designer. Becoming a 3d modeller helping the process, or being a tech developer in the new emerging industry of private transportation. There are a wide variety of opportunities in the development of any kind of vehicle. Autonomous vehicles, urban vehicles.All kinds of development processes that require the knowledge of an expert on mobility and shape development.

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