
Máster in Digital Marketing & E-commerce - Part Time del centro EAE Business School Barcelona

Programa de Máster in Digital Marketing & E-commerce - Part Time

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Presencial
Duración 12 months / 70 ECTS
Localización: Barcelona


This Master will provide you with the keys to online planning and help you take advantage of the opportunities that the new digital environments have to offer.

The Master in Digital Marketing & e-Commerce (Part Time) offers you a cross-functional and in-depth approach to the techniques and tools used for establishing new ways to communicate with consumers, guaranteeing the profitability of your projects.

You will discover the keys for developing your skills on digital advertising, omnichannelling, search engine positioning, social network marketing, customer loyalty platforms (CRM) and both purely digital business plans or in between the ON and OFF worlds. You will also learn about the importance of sales and customer loyalty related goals.

A quién va dirigido

Our Master in Digital Marketing & e-Commerce Part Time will provide you with a cross-curricular learning experience, using techniques and tools that are designed to establish new ways of communicating with consumers in order to guarantee the profitability of your projects.


  1. Becoming a specialist in marketing strategies, communication and online commerce, both attracting and building loyalty in online environments as well as retaining clients in an offline context.
  2. Being able to provide a clear vision of how digital planning should be carried out and to deliver adaptation and success strategies for the company.
  3. Developing the skills you need in order to master the strategies and techniques to plan, design, implement and manage the main e-commerce platforms.


Module 1 Online marketing and advertising strategy

Introduction to online marketing e innovation - 3 ECTS:

Fundamentals of analysis in digital marketing

Digital marketing plan


Processes and methodologies: design thinking, Lean Startup, Agile - 2 ECTS:

Design thinking

Lean Start up


Digital advertising - 4 ECTS:




Programmed marketing (RTB)

Design and web usability - 4 ECTS:

Web usability

Mobile usability

Apps development

Module 2 Positionment, social and analytics strategy

Positioning with search engines: SEO and SEM - 5 ECTS:



Growth hacking

Social Media Marketing - 6 ECTS:

Social media plan


RRSS analytics


Module 3 Ecommerce

Dimensions of ecommerce - 2 ECTS:

Customers profiles

e-commerce models

E-mail marketing and affiliation marketing - 3 ECTS:

E-mail marketing

Affiliation marketing

Module 4 eCommerce global management

Creation of e-commerce platforms - 5 ECTS:


Mobile first (ASO)

Relational marketing and logistics - 4 ECTS:




Module 5

Digital Business

Digital analytics - 4 ECTS:

Web analytics

E-commerce analytics

Digital business plan - 3 ECTS:

Business models

Success factors

Integrating the digital marketing plan within the global plan

Digital entrepreneurship

Module 6 Final Master Thesis

Final Master Thesis - 15 ECTS

Titulación obtenida

Máster in Digital Marketing & E-commerce.


To become an EAE student, you need to have a real thirst for learning, a dynamic and open spirit, and a desire to move forward in a participative and international environment. You have to be motivated to give your very best and not be afraid of demanding standards.

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