
Master in Fashion & Luxury Business del centro EU Business School

Programa de Master in Fashion & Luxury Business

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Barcelona


The fashion and luxury industry has played an important role in society for centuries.

Focusing on business management skills and consumer attitudes toward luxury products with an emphasis on design and creativity, this program prepares students for the projection of a brand. With elements such as advertisement strategy, communication skills and innovative, entrepreneurial thinking, students are given an in-depth insight into how to effectively manage and position a unique brand.

A quién va dirigido

This master has been generated to be carried out by all those who are interested in being part of this glamorous and well-paid labor sector.


  • Investigate the impact of fashion and luxury on sustainability.
  • Learn about the brand value from the points of view of the fashion designer and artist.
  • Gage the importance of the quality of the product and all the strategies surrounding it.
  • Study the major processes within marketing through case studies and class discussion.


TERM 1 (13 CH | 18 ECTS)

Luxury Business Management

International Luxury Brand Management

Fashion & Luxury Marketing

Luxury Finance Management & HR Management

Seminar: Sustainable Fashion & Luxury

TERM 2 (13 CH | 18 ECTS)

Luxury Industry

Luxury & Fashion

Luxury & Accessories

Digital Marketing Strategies

Seminar: Humanities

TERM 3 (13 CH | 18 ECTS)

Advertising & Communication


Innovation in Materials & Technology

Design Innovation

Seminar: Communication Skills

Titulación obtenida

  1. A university master’s degree awarded by Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), (título propio), a state-recognized university in Spain.
  2. A master's degree from EU Business School Switzerland which is internationally accredited by ACBSP, IACBE, IQA and certified by eduQua.


Admission Requirements:*

1 certified copy of bachelor's degree and transcripts

Proof of English level: TOEFL score 89 (internet-based), 233 (computer-based); IELTS 6.5; CAE C1 with a minimum score of 176; PTE score 59; English native or equivalent

Applicants must also meet one of the following:

A GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

A satisfactory score on the GMAT or GRE

An interview with the academic dean

* Students who do not meet the criteria will have an interview with the admission committee and will be considered on a merit basis. For more information, please contact the admissions department of your chosen campus.

Información Adicional


October, January & March

Total per year


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