
Máster in Human Ressources Management (en inglés) del centro IU International University of Applied Sciences

Programa de Máster in Human Ressources Management (en inglés)

Modalidad: Online


Get the tools to help discover the workforce of the future with our master's degree.

As a Human Resources (HR) Manager, you will be a key factor in helping companies and their workers collaborate to achieve their common goals. Your skills, empathy, experience and sense of responsibility will be required to help close gaps, resolve disputes and represent employers' interests and employees' interests at the same time.

Their study programs are built to fit your schedule and interests, with a wide variety of specializations that allow you to develop skills that match your goals. IU's programs stand out with a remarkable recommendation rate of 96%, reflecting their commitment to flexible and personalized learning. Their fully integrated digital platform and innovative educational resources empower you to pursue a degree at your own pace.

A quién va dirigido

People interested in training to become a reference in this field.


The objective is to acquire a deep understanding of human resources while having a firm grasp of the key characteristics of management and business.


As an HR Manager, you hold a vital role in fostering collaboration between companies and their workforce to achieve common objectives. Your blend of skills, empathy, experience, and accountability is crucial for bridging gaps, resolving conflicts, and representing the interests of both employers and employees. Fortunately, IU’s Master’s in Human Resource Management program equips you with the necessary knowledge to tackle these challenges with assurance, covering essential areas from business acumen to personnel management and personal development strategies. Upon graduation, you'll possess a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively support employees, address their needs, and assist managers in enhancing productivity efforts.

Titulación obtenida

All current study programmes of IU are accredited by FIBAA and bear the seal of the German Accreditation Council. FIBAA assures educational quality in 48 states internationally. Receiving the seal certifies that our curricula meet academic standards, our programmes are structured according to formal requirements and necessary resources such as qualified staff and sufficient equipment are available to students.


Academic Requirements:

  • Completed undergraduate degree (180 ECTS) from an officially recognised university.
  • Final grade of at least ""Satisfactory"" or Grade C equivalent in your undergraduate studies.

Work Experience:

  • At least one year of qualified work experience before the start of the IU Online Master program (achieved after previous studies).

English Level:

  • Proof of English skills.
  • If English is your native language, or you graduated from an English-speaking school/university, you do not have to prove your English skills.

Información Adicional

Credit Points: 60 or 120 ECTS

Duration (full-time): 12 or 24 months

Duration (part-time): 18 or 24 months

Pricing: 60 ECTS: 6.048 EUR (full time) 120 ECTS: 8.664 EUR (full time)

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