
Máster in International Business del centro EIG Business School

Programa de Máster in International Business

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Granada , Sevilla


Is designed to give you a deep understanding of the drivers of globalization, the process of internationalization, how the global economic environment influences firms’ competitive responses, and how the world is interconnected.

This results in graduates ready to deal with the challenges of expanding business into new global markets, along with those of managing teams across cultures and continents.

The MIB will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to master the complexity required for making decisions in a globalized business environment. It will also add to your breadth of understanding of how global firms operate, prepare you to conduct business in a global context, and embrace emerging issues in international trade and business.

A quién va dirigido

The training is aimed at all people interested in growing professionally in this sector.


By completing the MIB you will be in a position to identify the motives and means of servicing foreign markets, address controversial issues in international trade & business, formulate your own international business plans, and appreciate the factors that drive performance in the global economy.

The MIB in Granada is designed to give participants a deep understanding of the drivers of globalization, the process of internationalization, how the global economic environment influences firms competitive responses, and how the world is interconnected.


Core subjects: 

Critical Thinking

Global management

Global and ethic citizenship


Management skills


Common subjects inte category.

Project management

Basic finances

Digital Transformation and data analysis

Competitive evironment

Specific subjects of your qualication.

Market research

SME Globalization

Strategic management

Global supply chain

Intemational finance

Marketing Mix

Intemational operations

World Market worshops


Specific and complementary training that you can choose to define your own profile

Specialized Online Courses

Business Study Tours

Intensive Online Courses

Other certifications

Final Project

Productor company internationalization.

This partofthe programme takes the form of a individual "real" project.

Titulación obtenida

Máster in International Business.


Participants will gain the key skills and knowledge to evaluate, manage and implement strategies in the international trade while strengthening their ability to face and solve complex challenges in an increasingly globalized marketing environment.

Información Adicional

Se Imparte íntegramente en INGLÉS.

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