
Master in Marketing del centro EU Business School

Programa de Master in Marketing

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Barcelona


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Markets are ever-changing, with increasingly sophisticated consumers. Now more than ever, companies require innovative, qualified marketing experts with an entrepreneurial mindset to implement creative changes. From effective use of social media marketing to understanding your target audience, this program explores modern marketing methods and theories from various perspectives, giving students an insight into how marketing decisions relate to the analytical, strategic and operational areas of a business.

A quién va dirigido

Prospective students are evaluated on the strength of their applications as a whole. Consideration is given to the student’s qualities and abilities: leadership potential, academic achievements, performance on standardized tests, extracurricular activities and personal experiences. EU's Admissions Services department will assist all applicants throughout the entire application process.


  1. Investigate the impact of political, economic, sociocultural and physical environments in marketing and how to manage them.
  2. Understand the relationship between the customer and the company.
  3. Learn analytical, strategic and operational marketing competencies.
  4. Study the major processes of marketing through case studies and class discussion.


The Master in Marketing (60 ECTS) is a one-year program, divided into three terms. Each term comprises four courses (4 ECTS each) and one seminar (2 ECTS). Throughout the year, students are also exposed to real-life case studies, games and business simulations. In order to graduate, participants must also complete a business plan (6 ECTS). This program is also available as a two-year, six-term, part-time degree.

TERM 1 (13 CH | 18 ECTS)

Foundations of Business Management

Business Environment

Applied Finance

Business Model

Seminar: Becoming a Manager

TERM 2 (13 CH | 18 ECTS)

Analytical Marketing

Strategic Marketing

Operational Marketing

Marketing Into Action

Seminar: Authentic Leadership

TERM 3 (13 CH | 18 ECTS)

Marketing Communications

International Marketing

Industrial Marketing

Digital Marketing

Seminar: Effective Negotiation

Titulación obtenida

  1. A university master’s degree awarded by Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), (título propio), a state-recognized university in Spain.
  2. A master's degree from EU Business School Switzerland which is internationally accredited by ACBSP, IACBE, IQA and certified by eduQua.


Admission Requirements:*

1 certified copy of bachelor's degree and transcripts

Proof of English level: TOEFL score 89 (internet-based), 233 (computer-based); IELTS 6.5; CAE C1 with a minimum score of 176; PTE score 59; English native or equivalent

Applicants must also meet one of the following:

A GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

A satisfactory score on the GMAT or GRE

An interview with the academic dean

* Students who do not meet the criteria will have an interview with the admission committee and will be considered on a merit basis. For more information, please contact the admissions department of your chosen campus.

Información Adicional


October, January & March

Total per year


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