
Máster of Business Administration (en inglés) del centro IU International University of Applied Sciences

Programa de Máster of Business Administration (en inglés)

Modalidad: Online
Precio: 9.522 €


Prepare to access the global labor market with a practical approach and international orientation.

Take the first step to make your plans a reality: obtain a Master in Business Administration at IU, 100% online. Understand the key aspects of global markets and businesses, how to navigate them, and how to use them to your advantage. Cover everything from marketing to leadership skills to finances and unleash your full potential. Apply now and start studying from the comfort of your home, as soon as you want.

A quién va dirigido

People interested in being an expert in Business Administration.


The goal is to gain a solid foundation for business administration and management and you will begin to build a network of business contacts that could boost your success later in your professional journey.


Envision yourself at the helm of a business or contributing to a leading company in your industry? Take that crucial first step towards turning your aspirations into achievements by pursuing a Master of Business Administration at IU. Gain insights into pivotal aspects of global markets and companies, learning how to navigate them effectively and leverage them to your advantage. From mastering marketing strategies to honing leadership skills and understanding finance, our program covers it all, unlocking your full potential along the way.

Titulación obtenida

All current study programmes of IU are accredited by FIBAA and bear the seal of the German Accreditation Council. FIBAA assures educational quality in 48 states internationally. Receiving the seal certifies that our curricula meet academic standards, our programmes are structured according to formal requirements and necessary resources such as qualified staff and sufficient equipment are available to students.


Academic Requirements:

- Completed undergraduate degree (210 ECTS for the 60 ECTS variant, 180 ECTS for the 90 ECTS variant) from an officially recognised university.

- Final grade of at least ""Satisfactory"" or grade C equivalent in your undergraduate studies.

Work Experience:

- At least one year of qualified work experience before the start of the IU Online Master programme (achieved after previous studies).

- At least two years’ qualified work experience completed by the end of the Master programme.

English Level:

- Proof of English skills.

- If English is your native language or you graduated from an English-speaking school/university, you do not have to prove your English skills.                 

Información Adicional

Credit Points


Duration (full-time)

18 months

Duration (part-time)

12, 24, or 36 months


9.522 EUR (full time)

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