
Master’s Degree in Language Acquisition and Teaching English as a Foreign Language del centro Universitat Internacional de Catalunya - UIC Barcelona

Programa de Master’s Degree in Language Acquisition and Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Modalidad: Presencial
Precio: 5280 €
Localización: Barcelona


To train professionals who are able to efficiently use the English language and academic skills in English, both orally and in writing, for academic and professional purposes.

This Master’s degree aims to provide advanced teacher training in innovative methodologies and approaches to language acquisition and teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) to help improve their teaching skills and competencies. It is aimed at future and in-service teachers as well as professionals who want to change their career and join the world of teaching, both in compulsory, vocational, formal and non-formal education and in the business sector

A quién va dirigido

This is the Master’s degree for you if you are a pre-primary or primary teacher, a secondary school teacher, or if you teach in a non-regulated language school.


  • To train English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers to efficiently apply different theoretical models and innovative methodological approaches to the teaching, learning and acquisition of EFL processes in bilingual and multilingual contexts, both in compulsory, vocational, formal and non-formal education and in the business sector.
  • To train English teachers who have theoretical and practical knowledge and appropriate skills to promote the development of plurilingual and intercultural awareness among their students.
  • To train English specialists who have theoretical, practical and interdisciplinary knowledge about educational research models and methodologies in the field of acquisition, teaching and learning of (first, second and foreign) languages in different contexts and at different educational levels.


The Master’s Degree in Language Acquisition and Teaching English as a Foreign Language includes the following modules and subjects:


Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) type ects semester

Methods for Teaching English as a Foreign Language I: 

Grammar and the Communicative Approach

Methods for Teaching English as a Foreign Language II: 

 Linguistic-Academic Abilities

English Pronunciation Practice and Teaching

Focus on Literature when Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): 

Theory, Practice and New Technologies

Cultural Aspects of Learning and Teaching English as a Foreign Language


School Teaching Placement

School Teaching Placement


Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language

The Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language  in Bilingual and Multilingual Contexts

Cognitive Factors in Learning Foreign Languages


Research in Education

Research Methods in Education and Academic Abilities in English


Research in Education

Master’s Dissertation (TFM)

Titulación obtenida

Master’s Degree in Language Acquisition and Teaching English as a Foreign Language.


  1. The minimum required level of English to access this Master’s programme is B2+
  2. Open to holders of degrees and diplomas in pre-primary and primary education
  3. Open to holders of a degree who are involved in teaching at a pre-primary, primary, secondary, or upper-secondary level

Información Adicional

Price: 4.800 €

Price / ECTS: 80 €

registration fees: 480 €

Total price: 5.280 €

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