
Master’s Degree in Smart Grids del centro Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Programa de Master’s Degree in Smart Grids

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Madrid


Learn about the 50% scholarship opportunities thanks to Gridespertise below in this site.

The Master's Degree in Smart Grids (MSG) is a Master of Science Degree with 90 ECTS credits, taught by the University of Strathclyde and the ICAI School of Engineering, in close collaboration with Iberdrola. The main objective of the program is to respond to the growing demand for engineers, needed to lead the ongoing process of the digitalization of the electric grid.

For the next academic year we have scholarships covering 50% for our master students from Gridespertise (characteristics: The scholarship will account for 50% of the academic fees. The scholarship will guarantee to undertake the internship at Gridespertise.

A quién va dirigido

This Master's Degree is aimed at enthusiastic Electrical and Telecommunications Engineers who would like to develop their career in the energy industry of the future.


This program provides students with a detailed understanding of the operation and planning of grids under this new paradigm, along with new business opportunities and models that are arising in this constantly changing field. It has been developed in close collaboration with Iberdrola. This alliance guarantees both the practical component, thanks to the participation of industry, and the academic rigor of the courses.


1st Period (September to December) - Madrid (30 ECTS)

Fundamentals of Power Systems or Fundamentals of Telecommunications (3 ECTS)

Telecommunications: The objective of this course is to develop some basic understanding of the fundamental foundations on telecommunication. The course focuses not only on the transmissions systems and techniques used nowadays for transmitting information at a high level but it also elaborates on the fundamental concepts of signal modulation and propagation.

Power Systems: The aim of this course is to provide the student with the fundamental foundations on power systems that allow him to tackle more advance concepts.

Regulation and New Business Models (7.5 ECTS)

The course presents an in-depth interdisciplinary perspective of the electric power sector, with regulation as the core for networks business providing the link among the engineering, economic, legal and environmental viewpoints.

Operation and Planning of Future Distribution Networks (7.5 ECTS)

The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the principles and main methodologies behind the planning and operation of distribution networks, understand how distributed energy resources affect these activities, and comprehend what technical solutions distribution grid operators need to deploy in order to address the new challenges of the Smart Grid.

2nd Period (January to April) - Strathclyde (30 ECTS)

Data Analytics and AI for Energy Systems (5 ECTS)

A strong part of the business case for smart grids is using intelligence and automation to gain more capacity from existing assets to avoid large expenditure on further assets. Also, autonomy and intelligence is key to the flexible operation of smart girds, integration of low carbon generation and effective interaction with consumers. This module teaches the key AI and data science methods that are applicable to smart grids, and provides case studies of their application. We are moving to a future where much more can and will be monitored and new techniques, leveraging data analytics, are needed to fully exploit the data. Areas covered will be machine learning, knowledge based methods, distributed intelligence methods and architectures, applications in asset management, applications in network management and control.

Control and Protection of Future Networks (5 ECTS)

HVDC transmission systems and renewable generation units use power electronic converters rather than synchronous machines to interface to the AC network. Hence, classic control and protection methods meant for classic power systems may not be able to accommodate high penetration of renewables and long distance HVDC links.

The aim of this module is to enable students to appreciate the principles of control and protection of present-day and future electrical systems including:

The steady-state and dynamic analysis of electrical systems under normal, transient and fault conditions.

Grid-codes and other legislation that impacts upon the functional requirements of protection systems, generation and HVDC transmission units.

The main concepts related to the requirements, functions, design and operation of protection schemes for power system transmission and distribution systems.

How HVDC and converter-interfaced generation pose challenges to operation and protection system design; but also, how their enhanced controllability has great potential to enable new alternative concepts.

Cyber Security and Data Privacy (5 ECTS)

This module provides an insight into the security requirements of power networks, the basic security primitives which can be used to provide protection to these networks, and an understanding of user security and privacy. It covers the application of security processes to power networks and components and also discusses case studies of attacks on industrial networks. In addition to covering different methods of encryption (symmetric and asymmetric), the module covers authentication and data integrity, as well as secure system design and vulnerability and threat assessment, and security standards.

3rd Period (May to early September) – Company (30 ECTS)

Internships + Master Thesis

Titulación obtenida

Master’s Degree in Smart Grids


  1. A Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering or a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering.
  2. Proficiency Level of English: (C1 European Level or higher is required for admission).

Información Adicional

Coste del primer año (€): 18.176,00

Professional projection

  • Telecoms equipment and Service Suppliers
  • Government and Regulatory Agencies
  • Institutes for research and Innovation
  • Energy sector Consultants
  • Electric power utilities
  • Electric equipment and Systems Suppliers
  • Research, development and Innovation
  • Doctoral candidates
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