
Master's degree International Economic Relations Analysis del centro UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS.

Programa de Master's degree International Economic Relations Analysis

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Madrid


The student will reinforce his/her knowledge applied to international economic relations, which will provide him/her with a higher academic value due to the evident interconnection existing among economies in an increasingly globalised world.

The student will also acquire economic and legal skills applied to both bilateral and multilateral relations established among different countries.

A quién va dirigido

Students must hold a Spanish official university degree or equivalent issued by European Higher Education institutions entitling candidates to access to Masters studies in the issuing country.


The key objectives of the programme are:

  1. To provide solid understanding of the most relevant international economic institutions, with a special emphasis on those areas related to international trade.
  2. To further knowledge in international regulations and financing.
  3. To enforce the use of qualitative and quantitative skills needed for undertaking international financing analysis.
  4. To broaden understanding of the issues related to international economic relations and the legal and economic contexts where international transactions are usually developed.


  1. International Economics
  2. New Techonologies in Internationalization
  3. International Trade
  4. International Commercial Law and Business Transactions
  5. Word Economy
  6. International Economic English
  7. Public International Law and European Union Law
  8. International Financial Economics
  9. Development Economics
  10. International Economic Law
  11. Business Economics and Financial Statements Analysis
  12. Statistics Applied to International Economics
  13. External Internships
  14. Final Master's Thesis

Titulación obtenida

Master's degree International Economic Relations Analysis


A commission appointed by the Academic Director of the Masters and composed by himself and two teachers from the areas of Economics and Law will be responsible for the assessment of the students’ basic knowledge on the areas related to the programme by means of a personal interview and a written test.

In the event the demand for seats for the Masters programme surpassed the offer, the selection criteria would be as follows:

70%: personal interview and written test.

30%: curriculum vitae assessment (academic profile, professional experience, and academic and professional projection in connection with the main objectives of the Masters).

Candidates’ selection

The Director of the Masters will be responsible for the selection of all the candidates.

The following parameters will be considered: the student’s academic record, his/her curriculum vitae, professional experience and motivation.

Seats offered: 30 places. In the event the number of applicants did not reach the minimum number required the course might not be offered.

Conditions or special entry exams:

A B2 Level of English required

Información Adicional


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