
Module bars and restaurant del centro Escuela Politécnica Internacional S.L.G.

Programa de Module bars and restaurant

Modalidad: A Distancia
Duración 20



On successfully completing this lesson the learner will be able to give basic information about the service they give and the principal responsibilities and duties bar-workers carry out.

The learner will be able to ask and understand what the customer desires appropriately and carry out their instructions. On successfully completing the course objectives at this level, learners will have the ability to understand what clients ask for and name what is on the menu. In familiar situations learners will greet people, ask about and understand what customers would like and resolve the complaints that might occur in a restaurant appropriately.

Inferring context and using interactive exercises to confirm understanding, learners will practice listening and complete sample dialogues that consolidate the vocabulary in the topic.

You will complete written exercises that demonstrate you are capable of matching the written forms of words to the vocabulary used in conversations between customers and restaurant workers.

You will practice the terms in the exercises and keep a record of your pronunciation to monitor the progress you make and encourage reflection.



On successfully completing the course objectives at this level, learners will have the ability to understand what clients ask for and name what is on the menu. In familiar situations learners will greet people, ask about and understand what customers would like and resolve the complaints that might occur in a restaurant appropriately.

Inferring context and using interactive exercises to confirm understanding, learners will practice listening and complete sample dialogues that consolidate the vocabulary in the topic.

You will complete written exercises that demonstrate you are capable of matching the written forms of words to the vocabulary used in conversations between customers and restaurant workers.

You will practice the terms in the exercises and keep a record of your pronunciation to monitor the progress you make and encourage reflection.

Restaurant - Meals, Food and Fish / Fruit and Vegetables

After this lesson, the learner will be able:

- To recognize and name common products on the menu at a restaurant.

- Complete written exercises that demonstrate you are capable of matching the written forms of the vocabulary to the sounds and images that correspond to them.

- Test knowledge of the terms in the exercises and keep a record of your pronunciation to monitor the progress you make and encourage reflection.

Restaurant - Drinks and Dessert / Asking and Ordering

After this lesson, the learner will be able:

- To recognize and name common drinks and desserts on the menu at a restaurant.

- Take orders and answer the clients´, questions about what is on the menu.

- Complete written exercises that demonstrate you are capable of matching the written forms of the vocabulary to the sounds and images that correspond to them.

- Test knowledge of the terms in the exercises and keep a record of your pronunciation to monitor the progress you make and encourage reflection.

Restaurant - Complaining / Useful Expressions

After this lesson, the learner will be able:

- Give explanations, describe different dishes on the menu and solve problems by acting professionally.

- Order written expressions common in conversations that provide professional service.

- Complete written exercises that demonstrate you are capable of matching the written forms of designs to the sounds and images that correspond to them.

- Test knowledge of the terms in the exercises and keep a record of your pronunciation to monitor the progress you make and encourage reflection.

Restaurant - Typical situation - Service in the restaurant business

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.

Restaurant - Dialogue - The perfect menu

The student will listen to a series of questions which they can then answer freely by sending their answers to a teacher, on-line. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.

Restaurant - Consolidation

After this lesson, the learner will be able to:

- Give explanations, describe products, deal with problems and act professionally.

- Order expressions common in conversations that provide professional service.

- Complete written exercises that demonstrate you are capable of matching the written forms of designs to the sounds and images that correspond to them.

- Test knowledge of the terms in the exercises and keep a record of your pronunciation to monitor progress.


On successfully completing the course objectives at this level, learners will have the ability to deal with basic information and begin to express themselves in familiar situations, dealing with simple routines in familiar situations such as greeting people, asking for and giving personal information, congratulating people on special occasions and saying farewell using interactive exercises. Learners will practice listening and responding to basic instructions and information, taking part in conversations on everyday topics like the family, the home, saying where you are from and using numbers and dates.

You will be able to understand basic notices, instructions and information and complete written sentences that practice using times, dates and places.

Matching the written forms of words to the vocabulary used in everyday conversation you will practice matching the terms in the exercises and keep a record of the pronunciation you practice to monitor the progress you make and encourage reflection.

Bars - Bars and employees

On successfully completing this lesson the learner will be able to give basic information about the service they give and the principal responsibilities and duties bar-workers carry out.

The learner will be able to ask and understand what the customer desires appropriately and carry out their instructions.

Bars - Bar tools

On successfully completing this lesson the learner will be able to give basic information about the service they give and the principal responsibilities and duties bar-workers carry out.

The learner will be able to ask and understand what the customer desires appropriately and carry out their instructions.

The learner will be able to recognize the sound and written form of common bar tools and say what they are for.

Bars - Menu and glasses

On successfully completing this lesson the learner will be able to give basic information about the service they give and the principal responsibilities and duties bar-workers carry out.

The learner will be able to ask and understand what the customer desires appropriately and carry out their instructions

The learner will be able distinguish between and say what drinks are the most popular at different times of the day.

Bars - On the menu

On successfully completing this lesson the learner will be able to give basic information about the service they give and the principal responsibilities and duties bar-workers carry out. The learner will be able to ask and understand what the customer desires appropriately and carry out their instructions.

Bars - Typical situation - Bar customer service

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.

Bars - Dialogue - The perfect refreshment

The student will listen to a series of questions which they can then answer freely by sending their answers to a teacher, on-line. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.

Bars - Consolidation

On successfully completing this lesson the learner will have demonstrated they are familiar with the vocabulary in the situations practiced in previous units and are able to use the vocabulary of the previous lessons in familiar ways:

- To understand and take part in basic conversations that recycle and consolidate the vocabulary of the unit.

- To distinguish between images and spell the names of what they see correctly.

- To reflect on the progress the learner has made as she/he completes the lesson and receives feedback on their intonation and stress.

- To give basic information about what customers want as part of the service they give explain the principal responsibilities and duties bar-workers carry out. The learner will be able to ask and understand what the customer desires appropriately and carry out their instructions.

Información Adicional


Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer, 7.0
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