
MSc Business finance and economics del centro Royal Universities

Programa de MSc Business finance and economics

Modalidad: Presencial


Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences

Discover the powerful ideas that shape economic theory and influence real-world situations.

Our academics advise government departments and organisations such as the International Labour Organisation, the World Bank and UNESCO.

We specialise in applied economics and econometrics including labour, international finance, health, education and development.

That breadth of expertise helped us to create the SF6D utility index, used by decision makers around the world to evaluate the cost effectiveness of health care interventions.

About the course

You supply the talent and the ambition and we give you a thorough grounding in quantitative analysis, business finance and industrial organisation. Those are the basic ingredients you need for an exceptional career.

This masters will enable you to develop your skills as an economist in business finance.

There are computer practicals, lectures, seminars, surgeries and workshops. You',re assessed on essays, project work and exams. The dissertation gives you the chance to conduct your own research.

Core modules

Microeconomic Analysis

Macroeconomic Analysis

Econometric Methods

Modern Theory of Banking and Finance

Industrial Organisation

Business Finance

International Money and Finance

Optional modules

Applied Microeconometrics

Applied Microeconometrics

Development Finance

International Trade

Public Economics

Public Policy Evaluation


Computer practicals






Coursework (including essays and project work)

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