
Postgrado Global MBA (Investment Banking) (Manchester) del centro London School of Business & Finance

Programa de Postgrado Global MBA (Investment Banking) (Manchester)

Modalidad: Online


Overview :

Build a career in investment banking, beginning with this comprehensive overview of the modern finance world. This degree will consolidate and build upon your existing knowledge of corporate finance, paying particular attention to mergers and acquisitions, and private equity.

Learning to identify and evaluate challenges in finance, you will develop your analytical and decision-making skills. You will even apply these skills to real-life organisations, using techniques such as risk management and proposing solutions to issues faced by these companies.

Employing a global viewpoint, this degree takes into account international business theories and the latest developments in the business world.

Requirements :

UK undergraduate degree or equivalent &ndash, any subject area

English levels 5.5 IELTS (5.5 in all bands) or equivalent

Relevant work experience is an asset, but no work experience is required

Students who fail to meet academic requirements can be assessed on their relevant work experience (5 years management experience minimum for mature study route)

Programme :

Stage I Marketing and Business Environment (15 credits)

Accounting and Managerial Finance (15 credits)

Systems and Operations Management (15 credits)

Research Methods

Stage II Strategic Management and Leadership (15 credits)

Advanced Corporate Finance (15 credits)

M&A and Private Equity (15 credits)

Research Methods

Stage III Online Dissertation and Research Methods (30 credits)

Información Adicional

Qualification: MBA Global

Duration: Full-time 15 months (12 months on campus, 3 months online dissertation)

Part-time 24 months (12-24 months on campus, 3-6 months online dissertation)

Online 15-36 months (100% online with optional blended study on campus)

Start dates: March, June, September

Campus available: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Online
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