
Postgraduate Degree in Management of Creative Cultural Industries del centro Universitat Internacional de Catalunya - UIC Barcelona

Programa de Postgraduate Degree in Management of Creative Cultural Industries

Centro Premium

Modalidad: Presencial
Precio: 3612 €
Localización: Barcelona


The course is taught by professionals who have experience of managing cultural companies and institutions.

Creative cultural industries -the performing arts, music and the audiovisual and publishing industries- are based on a combination of creativity and production. Today these are cultural sectors which are growing rapidly, and this is likely to continue into the future. 

A quién va dirigido

Professionals in these sectors should be aware of the work processes linked both to creation -theatre companies, dance, music, and production- as well as the management and production of shows, festivals, cultural facilities and commercial products for material or digital production. 


To have a knowledge of new trends, but also knowledge of the management tools that will allow them to create viable projects and companies


1st TERM

Tools for Managing Culture 3 ects / 36 hours

Cultural Marketing 3 ects / 36 hours

2nd TERM

Funding for Culture 3 ects / 36 hours

Cultural Communication 3 ects / 36 hours

Creation of Cultural Entities 3 ects / 36 hours

3rd TERM

Audiovisual Industry Management 3 ects / 36 hours

Performing Arts Management 3 ects / 36 hours

Titulación obtenida

Postgraduate Degree in Creative Cultural Industry Management


No requirements.

Información Adicional

Precio: 3.612 €

Precio/ ECTS: 172 €

Total: 3.612 €

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