
Postgraduate in Purchasing and Supply Chain English del centro INSA Business, Marketing Communication School

Programa de Postgraduate in Purchasing and Supply Chain English

Modalidad: Presencial
Horario: Lunes de 19:00 a 22:00
Precio: 2800 €
Localización: Barcelona


The Master of Purchasing and Supply lets you master the skills needed to meet the challenges of today business.

The major change that is happening to the traditional shopping concept to the idea of a sourcing strategy itself, requiring new knowledge to integrate in flexible, comprehensive and international ways both people and processes, goods and global projects.

A quién va dirigido

  1. Graduates who want to expand their knowledge.
  2. Professionals, entrepreneurs, and business people who want to upgrade or add a differential experience.
  3. Companies seeking staff expertise.
  4. Graduates in Vocational Intermediate or Higher Grade seeking practical preparation to enter the workforce.


The major change in the traditional concept of shopping to the idea of a sourcing strategy requires integrating flexible, comprehensive and international people, processes, goods and global projects. New relationships with suppliers from diverse cultures, the importance of soft skills, internationalization, higher quality thresholds, increased risks and increased competition are some of the features that make up the field of purchasing management.

  • Prepare and train in procurement and supply management professionals.
  • Train professionally in the areas of logistics, production, purchasing, and supply projects.


  • Purchasing management as a strategic business function.
  • People management. Negotiating the purchase.
  • Integration of suppliers. Evaluation and Approval.
  • The management of supply and stocks.
  • Information systems management and replenishment.
  • Project procurement.
  • Outsourcing.
  • Final Project.

Titulación obtenida

Postgraduate in Purchasing and Supply Chain English


It is necessary for participants to have basic knowledge in purchasing and supply chain.

Información Adicional

Professional opportunities:

  • The main professions, among others, are:
  • Director of Purchasing and Supply.
  • Director of Logistics.
  • CFO.

INSA offers the possibility of internships in companies during the period of delivery of the course.

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