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Sport and Exercise Science (Bachelor Honours) del centro Royal Universities

Programa de Sport and Exercise Science (Bachelor Honours)

Modalidad: Presencial



GESTIONAMOS TU INGRESO en una universidad británica. Elije entre alguna s de las mejores universidades y estudia este grado con una financiación del 100% del gobierno británico en condiciones muy especiales. ¡,Garantizamos tu plaza!

What you will study

Year 1

You develop a foundation of knowledge and skills in the key discipline areas of sport and exercise science:





Year 2

You build on the knowledge and skills obtained in Year 1 and develop understanding of the application of sport and exercise science to human performance and exercise behaviours.

Year 3

You further develop your knowledge and skills through a multidisciplinary approach to sport and exercise science.

A research project gives you the opportunity to explore, in-depth, a topic of interest to you.
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