
TKT exam teaching knowledge test del centro INTERNATIONAL HOUSE MADRID

Programa de TKT exam teaching knowledge test

Modalidad: Presencial
Localización: Madrid



TKT is the test about teaching English to speakers of other languages. It aims to increase teachers&rsquo, confidence and enhance job prospects by focusing on the core teaching knowledge needed by teachers of primary, secondary or adult learners, anywhere in the world.

This new award will help you to understand:

different methodologies for teaching, the &lsquo,language of teaching&rsquo,, the ways in which resources can be used, the key aspects of lesson planning, classroom management methods for different needs

The aims of TKT

to test candidates&rsquo, knowledge of concepts related to language, language use and the background to and practice of language teaching and learning

to provide an easily accessible test about teaching English to speakers of other languages, which is prepared and delivered to international standards, and could be used by candidates to access further training, and enhance career opportunities

to encourage teachers in their professional development by providing a step in a developmental framework of awards for teachers of English

TKT has three core modules:

Module 1 &ndash, Language and background to language learning and teaching

* Describing language and language skills

* Background to language teaching

* Background to language learning

Module 2 &ndash, Planning lessons and use of resources for language teaching

* Planning and preparing a lesson or sequence of lessons

* Selection and use of resources and materials

Module 3 &ndash, Managing the teaching and learning process

* Teachers&rsquo, and learners&rsquo, language in the classroom

* Classroom management

Specialist modules

TKT: Knowledge about Language

Tests your knowledge and understanding of the systems of the English language from a teaching perspective.

TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

Tests your understanding of teaching curriculum subjects through the medium of a second or third language.

TKT: Young Learners

Tests your knowledge of the strategies and skills required to teach young learners &ndash, ideal if you&rsquo,re working in primary education
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