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Encuentra Carrera Universitaria Online

Carrera Universitaria en Barcelona

Se han encontrado 151 carreras universitarias
Qué Tipología o Título
The core courses taught during the first year will give students a solid grounding in all essential business disciplines, while the second and third years incorporate their chosen pathway, in addition to the core courses.
International learning environment that creates multicultural understanding.
The program combines knowledge of the sports world with business and management courses, based upon a foundation of real-world case studies.
Students who complete this program are trained to apply a global mindset and creative thinking to conflict management and resolution while considering growth and the bottom line.
With this bachelor’s degree, students will get an in-depth and practical understanding of hospitality management; quality of service; event and conference planning; and sustainability as it applies to tourism.
This program will develop entrepreneurial thinking and cover topics such as structuring public relations campaigns, media strategy and organizational communication and ethics.
The Bachelor of Business Administration is a comprehensive degree that will prepare you for a full range of functions within the business world, making you a valuable asset to any organization.
Tendrás la oportunidad de realizar prácticas en empresas donde pondrás en marcha todo lo aprendido a lo largo de la formación.
Inicio: A partir del 31/08/2023 Duración: 5 años
Passeig de Santa Eulàlia, 2, 8017 Barcelona, Barcelona
9750 €
Prepárate para la creación, dirección y gestión de empresas digitales o para liderar la transformación digital de las que no lo son.
Inicio: A partir del 31/08/2023 Duración: 4 años
Passeig de Santa Eulàlia, 2, 8017 Barcelona, Barcelona
8950 €
The participants will acquire business knowledge and capabilities, and will learn how to use the proper marketing tools to successfully meet the latest demands of today’s business market.
Inicio: A partir del 31/08/2022 Duración: 5 años
Passeig de Santa Eulàlia, 2, 8017 Barcelona, Barcelona
9875 €