Cursos relacionados con Empresa y Economía
Get the tools to help discover the workforce of the future with our master's degree.
Our master's degree will help you become a key player in healthcare leadership.
Learn to draw up the roadmap for successful projects, preparing yourself with our master's degree.
The Master of Purchasing and Supply lets you master the skills needed to meet the challenges of today business.
Horario: Lunes de 19:00 a 22:00
The program evaluation system is based on continuous assessment of each of the blocks through class attendance and / or examination, so that the student must have passed each subject independently.
Horario: Lunes a Jueves de 19:00 a 22:00
INSA ofrece la posibilidad de realizar prácticas en empresas durante el periodo de impartición del Máster.
Horario: Martes y Viernes de 19:00 a 21:30
El método de evaluación del máster se compone de las asistencias a las sesiones, una evaluación a la mitad del programa y la presentación del proyecto final.
Horario: Lunes a Miércoles y Viernes de 19:00 a 21:30
You can take an optional work placement in year three and return to complete the final year as year four &ndash, giving you an advantage in the graduate job market.
You can take an optional work placement in year three and return to complete the final year as year four, giving you an advantage in the graduate job market.
Gain knowledge necessary to become an expert in global markets operations.
Horario: Martes y Jueves de 19:00 a 22:00 / Viernes de 16:30 a 21:30
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